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added by Cookie_Glam
added by Cookie_Glam
added by MJsValentine
Source: Frazer Harrison/Getty तस्वीरें
added by hollister_babe
added by hollister_babe
added by Cookie_Glam
आप कहा that I wasn't pretty
so I just believed you
आप कहा that I wasn't special
so I lived that way
with critical gazes and brutal amazement
at how my reflection could be so imperfect
with all of my blemishes
how could somebody want me

But God loves ugly
He doesn't see the way I see
oh, God takes ugly
and turns it into something that is beautiful
apparently I'm beautiful
cause आप प्यार me

I tried to clean up the outside
all shiny and new
worked overtime to thin up and look right
but inside I knew
that deep in the bottom were secrets I thought I could try to ignore
old ghosts in my corridors never get tired of haunting the past that's in me

help me believe why आप प्यार me
when I know आप see
आप see everything
help me believe why आप प्यार me
when I know आप see inside and आप still say I'm beautiful
you're telling me I'm beautiful
you're screaming out, so beautiful
and I'm finding out I'm beautiful
you're making me so beautiful
and I can see I'm beautiful
'cause आप प्यार me
added by mileycyrusfan90
added by Jack-O
Source: http://justjaredjr.buzznet.com
added by kiaya91
Source: justjared.buzznet
added by MJsValentine
Source: Frazer Harrison/Getty तस्वीरें
आप became someone so close
That person I could trust
Why did it end up this way?
What happened to the both of us?
I, I'm tearing up inside
I'm on a rollercoaster ride

Thinking of those memories
How your touch was so soft
Your eyes, they were so green
I would have never known how much
You'd come to mean everything to me

Virginia is for lovers
And I wonder where do all the others go
And your दिल belongs to another
And I'm leaving
Virginia is for प्रेमी anyway

No matter how long were apart
I find it hard to let go
I'm sitting here so restless
Time is moving so slow
I hate that I'm looking back
continue reading...
added by Jack-O
Source: http://justjared.buzznet.com
added by MJsValentine
Source: Frazer Harrison/Getty तस्वीरें
added by OakTown_Queen
added by kiaya91
Source: justjared.buzznet
added by mileycyrusfan90
added by mileycyrusfan90