it's my first time saying this bravly.... I प्यार KOWALSKI!!! but आप know.... none of us will get him as he is a cartoon.... my दिल beats so fast when i see anything about him. *screams into pillow* =3 ~nyan
i always feel like the penguins are watching me in real life so i get kinda shy.... =3
rawr... how do आप make a club? plz,plz,plz,plz tell me how! i feel invisible!.....
i'm gonna write बिना सोचे समझे things now.....
hate you,hate you,hate आप #$@%!
kowalski and jenny are stupid
julien is a fagg
mort is a douche
i always feel like the penguins are watching me in real life so i get kinda shy.... =3
rawr... how do आप make a club? plz,plz,plz,plz tell me how! i feel invisible!.....
i'm gonna write बिना सोचे समझे things now.....
hate you,hate you,hate आप #$@%!
kowalski and jenny are stupid
julien is a fagg
mort is a douche