हैरी पॉटर बनाम ट्वाइलाइट this game had a choice of posters to decorate the room with but one of the choices was twilight and harry potter wasn't there!I mean,HP is कूलर than twilight was it fair

Pick one:
omfg! that&# 39; s SO unfair!
omfg! that's SO unfair!
liar! Twilight is! कूलर than HP!
liar! Twilight is! कूलर than HP!
It&# 39; s just the hype right now. It&# 39; s dumb, so I just...
It's just the hype right now. It's dumb, so I just ignore it.
Added by LadyLilith
huh?????- ??????? im confused
huh???????????? im confused
Added by jalynne405
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 Sugartooth900 posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
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