Gwen+Kevin~Gwevin~ Club
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added by bwinchester
added by Jerexious
added by Jerexious
added by XxXAFI4everXxX
added by XxXAFI4everXxX
posted by winxclub1234
Gwen started walking home,but stopped.She saw Kevin with another girl and started crying.He didn't see her.So she ran to help Ben.She use one of her most powerful spells to beat Charmcaster.She couldn't think.Kevin was driving up to his driveway when he spotted Gwen."Gwen,come here."said Kevin.Gwen ran home.She didn't won't to see Kevin again and cried.Kevin knew she found out.Gwen study for the test and went to bed.Gwen went to school with Ben.She was still upset.Ben told her that we needed to go to fight Hex,Charmcaster,and other bad guys.This week Ben and Gwen never stopped fighting because...
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added by XxXAFI4everXxX
ben 10 alien force
added by ritathecat
added by letiicia
Source: चित्रो from फैन्पॉप and prints from episodes on youtube.
added by XxXAFI4everXxX
added by Jerexious
ben 10 alien force
added by Jerexious
added by tdigirl3496
added by XxXAFI4everXxX
posted by winxclub1234
As Kevin looked at Gwen,he cried.He wanted her to wake up.She was sweetly asleep.Kevin put her down and went to get Ben.Ben and Kevin went back to Gwen.Gwen was wide awake when they got back."Where did आप go Kevin?"She was still upset about what Kevin did.But she got over it.She tried to get up,but couldn't.Kevin helped her to her feet.Gwen had to fight with Charmcaster whether she liked it या not.She had to save her cousin and boyfriend.Kevin gave her a किस and went with Gwen.Ben followed.Charmcaster was waiting to fight Gwen.She gave a sweetly smile to Kevin.Kevin frown.He liked Gwen not Charmcaster.Gwen was ready to fight Charmcaster."Terbo"chanted Gwen.Charmcaster flew in the sky and was long gone.Gwen fell and her eyes were close.She wasn't dead.Kevin ran to her side.She open her green eyes.She spun to Kevin 's arms.He hold her tighly.He gave her kiss.
Kevin drove to Gwen's house."Bye Kevin!"
कहा Gwen.
added by Gwevinfan
added by Jerexious