पूर्व डब्ल्यू डब्ल्यू ई दीवा, डेबरा Wonder where this came from? (Rage Party caps)

sfhkevin posted on Aug 27, 2014 at 07:44PM
Was bored, so went on searching for Debra's media. Found this: link

The quality seem so much better then what we already have, plus I noticed the USA marking on the bottom right is gone, indicating this came from a different source.

Found that pic here: link

Anyways, I tried contacting the guy who posted that, no replies. If I were to speculate, it might had camefrom the newer Wrestlemania 15 source off the network?

पूर्व डब्ल्यू डब्ल्यू ई दीवा, डेबरा 2 उत्तरों

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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Osk2010 said…
No if you have Wrestlemania 15 on DVD you can see that in the extras
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना REXDART said…
That was a really strange and awkward event.