मछली Hooks Club
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added by ice2504
added by queenamifan
Source: credit to punkies13 d3apat0
posted by stellamusa101
I hate Bea so much! This is why I hate her so badly!!


She's dramatic! She always like to be a movie star, she's a drama क्वीन ! She had always been like "Hey, that's my line!" like in the "Banned Band" episode!


She's too emotional.
"Ugh! Milo! This is smart! We even plan the whole thing!"

Her emotional personality bugs me every time I watch मछली Hooks!

3.She's too full of herself

She's full of herself, it looks to me like she cares only about herself and she doesn't care about anyone else.
She had always been the character I hate!

I प्यार Shellsea!
added by Annabe
added by ninjamice4ever
added by Annabe
added by KJBiggestFan
added by Annabe
added by disney2011
added by nene1111
added by ice2504
added by KJBiggestFan
added by Annabe