फाइनल फैन्टसी Final कल्पना RP

Leleu2 posted on Jul 22, 2012 at 08:16PM
Hey guys how are you all?Listen I have something to ask you. I recently created an Final Fantasy RP, on a very small club, and until now we only got 3 players, and of these 3 nly 2, counting me, posted. So I ouldlike to know if any of you, FF fans would like to join it! If so, just post here, and I'll send you guys the link for the club in wich the RP is being held. Please note that it doesnt pass on any of the worlds of the Final Fantasy games, or even movies, but in a complete new and original world, that I created whit the help of some friends, to wich by the way, I'm very thankful for.So, please, if you are interested, just post here, and I'll post the link back. That's all. Sorry for bothering you all. Have a nice day!

फाइनल फैन्टसी 3 उत्तरों

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एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Leleu2 said…
Seriously guys, a Final Fantasy RP in the middle of the Final Fantasy club, and only 7 views and none replies? You're more than 6 thousand! C'mon, you guys are all fans of the franchise, and I would be really happy if any of you would join.
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना KibouSN said…
What do I got to post?
एक साल  से अधिक पुराना Leleu2 said…
Just click on this URL:


Then read the story and the plot. Then create your character and then go back in the foruns and search for the Final Fanatasy : The Undying Evil topic. That's it. :)
last edited एक साल  से अधिक पुराना