Fighting For Freedom! Club
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posted by whiteclaw
"Sally are आप oka- w-wait where are आप going?!" Sonic said. "Anywhere but here,I am going to have this child whether आप like it या not!" She growled. "Fine it's not my idea anyway!" Later he picked up his phone the number calling was 1-800-432-7098 "That's strange... hello?" "Hi I'm Sam Flynn,and I need your help." "Hey आप pass me another drink my taste is parched." He said. "Don't आप mean your throat?" Espio corrected. "What are आप my english teacher?!" "Jeez, sorry Vector. So anything new over there charmy?" He yelled. "Yes indeed, there was an attack about 30 miles from Knothole forest."...
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posted by musiclover2015
 Skye Prower
Skye Prower
Skye Prower is the son of Miles and Mina Prower, and the brother to Melody Prower. He existed in the original Mobius: 25 Years Later future and was preserved in the altered one द्वारा the efforts of his father, Miles. In the new timeline, he became a member of the Future Freedom Fighters.


Unaltered Timeline-
In the original future, Skye moved with his family to Downunda shortly before Lara-Su's Unveiling. In a flashback of the departure recalled द्वारा Sally, it is indicated that he was good फ्रेंड्स with Manik, similar to the relationship between his father and Sonic.(StH: #138)

Five Years of...
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posted by Tailsgamer2
Prologue: Hey, T_a_i_l_s here just with a new name!
It already was Tails' 14th birthday... Well, one महीना after. Anyway Tails was sitting down in front of Emarald पहाड़ी, हिल Zone, Soon he had a flashback,


Tails: ! Awesome I can fly द्वारा spinning my tails!

Tails flew over to a plane following the footprints and was delighted to see his idol, Sonic napping under it. He flew inside the plane and took an immediate liking to it.

Tails: (whispering) wow!

Suddenly there was a huge explosion. Tails fell down into the cockpit. Just when sonic was gonna dash off, Tails stopped him

Tails: WAIT!!!

Tails lept...
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posted by T_a_i_l_s
Super Sonic: At the शीर्षक screen press A 6 times (Super) 5 (spindash) these are the only master system hacks I remember but I promise to keep आप updated! X) there's another hack but I forgot it... Did आप know, Super is my प्रिय hack? trivia, why did they add a seventh emerald? I'll tell आप in the अगला लेख या unsramble this: wtasindaaidontdothetwchnaeterai hint: it was an additon __ ___ ___ _________ (this was the last artcle for the दिन या maby week!)
 teamwork is magic
teamwork is magic
I never get to speend time with my फ्रेंड्स anymore thanks to Robotnik. But today I called in sick so I could see them. I thinlk we are going to my प्रिय resturant. I called my फ्रेंड्स and Bunnie कहा Sonic had been stabbed! Why? Every time I wanna have fun someone is dying! For pete`s sake can`t I have at least one lousy दिन with my friends?!

I get in the car as fast as I can and drive to the Hospital. But the Secratary at the front डेस्क won`t let me in. So I ask what room my boyfriend is in and I ran to his room avoiding everyone in my way. A Doctor tries to inject me with a needle but...
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posted by whiteclaw
 Stronger together
Stronger together
I miss the feeling of wind on my face, as I ran through the city and the many diffrent regions of mobius. Ah that`s the way to live on this big green planet of ours. But alas, I rest on a सोफ़ा, सोफे in the lobby of a five diamond resort. Planning where I`ll go next. Knuckles waits at the front डेस्क with his backpack on the floor and a douffle bag on his shoulder. He carried that heavy backpack like it was nothing, out of all three of us he is obviously the strongest. Tails my lil bro, is the smartest. With his Twin tails he can fly to places I can`t reach sometimes. And he is the one who is bullied...
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posted by T_a_i_l_s
NOTE the following लेख replaces Miles with Tails

It is already Tails' 11 birthday and he is with Sonic at a hotel that serves 4 through 12 साल olds free breakfast. Any older have to pay 1 cent. But it was 10:00 and Tails was watching TV while eating mint candies.

Sonic: आप shure like eating mints!

Tails agreed. He eventually shut off the telvision set and read a programming guide. He likes inventing stuff. At lunchtime he got him a सैंडविच and continued on his good version of Metal Sonic. He's like a good Eggman just... As a two tailed fox.(one घंटा later)

Tails: Hey, Sonic I finished the new Metal Sonic!

Sonic: That's great!

Tails: It can run as fast as आप and when it starts to power down it can use energy from the seven emeralds to get seven times its normal energy to turn into Super Metal Sonic! it also notes things that हटाइए as sprites such as sprite 1 या 2.

Tails made sure that it couldn't be manipulated या reprogrammed.

to be continued
posted by T_a_i_l_s
After Sonic sped by, Miles' tails spus so fast he lifted off the ground

Miles: ! Awesome I can fly द्वारा spinning my tails!

Tails flew over to a plane following the footprints and was delighted to see his idol, Sonic napping under it. He flew inside the plane and took an immediate liking to it.

Miles: (whispering) wow!

Suddenly there was a huge explosion. Miles fell down into the cockpit. Just when sonic was gonna dash off, Miles stopped him

Miles: WAIT!!!

Miles lept out of the plane and fell on the ground.

Sonic: (turns around and walks over to Miles) Listen, I don't have time to play games, so WHAT DO आप WANT!!!

(Miles starts shuddering)

Sonic: I'm not gonna hurt ya, so lets start with names I'm Sonic and आप are...

Miles: Miles but आप can call me "Tails" for short!

Sonic walks of thinking Miles is following.

Sonic: (turns around) ya gonna tag along या what?

to be continued
posted by decepticondirge
On a dark and stormy night in a planet known as mobius a five साल old लोमड़ी, फॉक्स was hiding under his covers crying for the storm to subside his name was Skye prower.

Skye: please आप nasty storm go away. (crying/chocked voice)

A load bang and a flash of lightening followed द्वारा the scream Skye gave out enough to make any mobion wake except for melody prower who was sleeping peacefully throughtout the whole thunderstorm.

Skye: why did I have to have my daddy's fear of thunder. (Skye thought)

Skye's ears perked up when he heard the door to his and his sisters room open but to his surprise know one was there...
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posted by whiteclaw
 wars never end do they?
wars never end do they?
I remember it like it was yesterday, the fall breeze blowing through the maroon colored trees. The sight of people rushing to their jobs in the city, and the dirty people making drug deals in the alleys behind my apartment building. It`s great living it up in the ghetto isn`t it? My name is Mighty The Armadillo, and I am a member of the unstopable chaotix. And sadly against orders have fallen into the world of crime. Right now I`m going to do something that shall haunt me for the rest of my life time. I walked across the सड़क, स्ट्रीट to a gang of thugs who looked dangerous.

So I drew my newly polished...
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posted by T_a_i_l_s
These is one of my प्रिय cheats! Here, I hope that आप will like them too! 1. debug S1 When Sonic Pops up on screen press UP C DOWN C LEFT C RIGHT C then hold A while holding A press START.
posted by musiclover2015
 Knothole Freedom Fighters
Knothole Freedom Fighters
The Knothole Freedom Fighters are one of the first modern Freedom Fighter groups, formerly based and operating out of Knothole, and, like other groups, were opposed to the tyranny of Mobius' former despot Dr. Ivo Robotnik, and as such spent years fighting his reign via guerilla warfare and sabotage. Following his defeat, the Freedom Fighters later became involved in a war against one of his interdimensional counterparts, Dr. Eggman, as well as a number of other villainous individuals who emerged to threaten Mobius. Their headquarters is Freedom HQ, which is now the sole-remaining building in...
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posted by T_a_i_l_s
On a normal दिन on planet mobius at a normal school, third grade Miles Prower was being bullied for his two tails.

Kids: (chanting) Two Tails Two Tails Two Tails Two Tails!

Miles: (sobbing) Stop it!


he yelled (punches Miles). Miles cries louder

Kids: (chanting) Cry baby two tails Cry baby two tails Cry baby two tails!!

(that night)

Miles: I'm gonna run away... (scribbles words on a pice of paper) And I'm never coming back!

(next day)

Cindy: Miles! time to get up for school!



Miles is already far off on a large island stranded.

Miles: (sobbing) Mommy!

(suddenly) WHOOSH (Miles' ears perk up)

to be continued
posted by musiclover2015
"Hey, Knuckles." कहा Julie-Su.
"Hey, Julie," कहा Knuckles.
"T'sup, Su?" कहा Sonic.
"Hey, Sonic. Knuckles, where have आप been? I've been looking for आप everywhere."
"I wasn't anywhere important."
"Oh okay. Well आप wanna just hang out today?"
"Sure. I'll see आप later, Blue."
"Later, Red. Well, Tails, I guess it's back to आप and me."

Knuckles and Julie-Su went for a walk and Julie-Su held Knuckles hand as they usually do.
"You feeling okay?" Julie-Su asked.
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine." कहा Knuckles.
"You sure?"
"Honest. I'm fine."
"Um. Okay."
Knuckles! Julie-Su! Have आप seen Sonic?!
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posted by musiclover2015
"Tails!" Sonic exclaimed.
"Ah!" slings wrench in the air, "What?!"
"...Nothing I was just messin' with ya bud! Ha ha!" Sonic joked.
"Oh ha ha..." wrench hits Tails in the head, "Ow! God d-"
"-Don't be using harsh language on me, bud, आप know you're too young for that stuff." Sonic smirked jokingly.
"I was just gonna say 'danget'."
"Yeah but still."
Out of nowhere Knuckles comes, या rather leaps, out of a warp ring.
"If that's the way आप feel, Dad, then fine द्वारा me!" he exclaimed.
"You need to take your responsibilities serious, Knuckles, या you'll never become a good guardian!" Locke exclaimed from...
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posted by musiclover2015
The Chaotix is a group of Mobians which act as Knuckles the Echidna's assistance as Guardian of एंजल Island. The group was originally formed when Knuckles required help in defeating Metal Sonic, after the Knothole Freedom Fighters were all captured. All of its members are close फ्रेंड्स with Knuckles, या else with a member who is a close friend of Knuckles', and one of them, Julie-Su, is dating him. The Chaotix have resided part time in both Knothole and New Mobotropolis, helping the Kingdom of Acorn battle the Eggman Empire and other threats. Since the death of Locke, they have विभाजित करें, विभक्त करें their...
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posted by musiclover2015
My plan is almost complete! Soon I shall have all of Mobotropolis in the palm of my hands! Mwahaha! Everything comes into place! Just one और adjustment and they shall be complete!

Three dark figures stand motionless when finally the final adjustment to their wiring is made...Silence occurred. Suddenly the three figures became stable and the one on the right glowed red, the one on the let glowed green, and the one in the middle glowed blue.

Yes! My inventions are completed! Ho ho ha ha! Now my plan shall come into place! The Eggman Empire will soon come to be! Mwahahahahahaha!...
posted by whiteclaw
 here`s 2 musiclover2015/atlahua/julie-su2015
here`s 2 musiclover2015/atlahua/julie-su2015
I had trouble waking up this morning after that awkward dream I had last night. But like I alway say: there are two things in this world beautiful thoughts, and ugly reality."Your coffee`s ready miss"said the waiter."Hmm, OH thanks."she replied. Then her phone buzzed it was that guy again who wants her to meet him on saturday but that`s my फ्रेंड्स nieces wedding. "God I`m no good at those!"she कहा quietly to herself. Now here I am ,impatiently waiting in a coffee खरीडिए for tails to come out of the bathroom. I honestly don't know which one to pick"

Sonic waited at a rave party."Hey sonic" sally...
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posted by whiteclaw
(ten days earlier)
"Now I`m here, and I don`t know why. Guess I`m just not ready to be a father." he said."I wish I could make another decision."

(Present time)
Sally and julie-su walked in to shadow's house. Meanwhile, Tails was sitting down watching tv. And Shadow was occupied द्वारा the नारंगी, ऑरेंज horizion. Sally walked into the रसोई, रसोईघर and made a call to Knuckles. After five rings he finnally picked up."Whaddya want?" he snapped. "well someone`s gotten up on the wrong side, anything new?" She said. "I'm watching the worse reality दिखाना on earth, you?" She paused for a moment,"nothing much anyway...
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posted by whiteclaw

Sonic stood on the चोटी, शीर्ष of a tall building, looking down at the empty सड़क, स्ट्रीट below him. His thougts were rapid. But only one thought stayed in his head " Tails is gonna be the new leader, he has to" Then he jumped,curled into a ball,and fell.

Julie-su was beyond bored just sitting there watching telivision.Wondering where knuckles was, he कहा he`s was going to meet up with Amy then call her and tell her where to redevous she was starting to deny his honesty.

Meanwhile Tails stood there watching sonic fall and hit the ground. He...
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