Super Sonic: At the शीर्षक screen press A 6 times (Super) 5 (spindash) these are the only master system hacks I remember but I promise to keep आप updated! X) there's another hack but I forgot it... Did आप know, Super is my प्रिय hack? trivia, why did they add a seventh emerald? I'll tell आप in the अगला लेख या unsramble this: wtasindaaidontdothetwchnaeterai hint: it was an additon __ ___ ___ _________ (this was the last artcle for the दिन या maby week!)
NOTE the following लेख replaces Miles with Tails
It is already Tails' 11 birthday and he is with Sonic at a hotel that serves 4 through 12 साल olds free breakfast. Any older have to pay 1 cent. But it was 10:00 and Tails was watching TV while eating mint candies.
Sonic: आप shure like eating mints!
Tails agreed. He eventually shut off the telvision set and read a programming guide. He likes inventing stuff. At lunchtime he got him a सैंडविच and continued on his good version of Metal Sonic. He's like a good Eggman just... As a two tailed fox.(one घंटा later)
Tails: Hey, Sonic I finished the new Metal Sonic!
Sonic: That's great!
Tails: It can run as fast as आप and when it starts to power down it can use energy from the seven emeralds to get seven times its normal energy to turn into Super Metal Sonic! it also notes things that हटाइए as sprites such as sprite 1 या 2.
Tails made sure that it couldn't be manipulated या reprogrammed.
to be continued
It is already Tails' 11 birthday and he is with Sonic at a hotel that serves 4 through 12 साल olds free breakfast. Any older have to pay 1 cent. But it was 10:00 and Tails was watching TV while eating mint candies.
Sonic: आप shure like eating mints!
Tails agreed. He eventually shut off the telvision set and read a programming guide. He likes inventing stuff. At lunchtime he got him a सैंडविच and continued on his good version of Metal Sonic. He's like a good Eggman just... As a two tailed fox.(one घंटा later)
Tails: Hey, Sonic I finished the new Metal Sonic!
Sonic: That's great!
Tails: It can run as fast as आप and when it starts to power down it can use energy from the seven emeralds to get seven times its normal energy to turn into Super Metal Sonic! it also notes things that हटाइए as sprites such as sprite 1 या 2.
Tails made sure that it couldn't be manipulated या reprogrammed.
to be continued
After Sonic sped by, Miles' tails spus so fast he lifted off the ground
Miles: ! Awesome I can fly द्वारा spinning my tails!
Tails flew over to a plane following the footprints and was delighted to see his idol, Sonic napping under it. He flew inside the plane and took an immediate liking to it.
Miles: (whispering) wow!
Suddenly there was a huge explosion. Miles fell down into the cockpit. Just when sonic was gonna dash off, Miles stopped him
Miles: WAIT!!!
Miles lept out of the plane and fell on the ground.
Sonic: (turns around and walks over to Miles) Listen, I don't have time to play games, so WHAT DO आप WANT!!!
(Miles starts shuddering)
Sonic: I'm not gonna hurt ya, so lets start with names I'm Sonic and आप are...
Miles: Miles but आप can call me "Tails" for short!
Sonic walks of thinking Miles is following.
Sonic: (turns around) ya gonna tag along या what?
to be continued
Miles: ! Awesome I can fly द्वारा spinning my tails!
Tails flew over to a plane following the footprints and was delighted to see his idol, Sonic napping under it. He flew inside the plane and took an immediate liking to it.
Miles: (whispering) wow!
Suddenly there was a huge explosion. Miles fell down into the cockpit. Just when sonic was gonna dash off, Miles stopped him
Miles: WAIT!!!
Miles lept out of the plane and fell on the ground.
Sonic: (turns around and walks over to Miles) Listen, I don't have time to play games, so WHAT DO आप WANT!!!
(Miles starts shuddering)
Sonic: I'm not gonna hurt ya, so lets start with names I'm Sonic and आप are...
Miles: Miles but आप can call me "Tails" for short!
Sonic walks of thinking Miles is following.
Sonic: (turns around) ya gonna tag along या what?
to be continued
These is one of my प्रिय cheats! Here, I hope that आप will like them too! 1. debug S1 When Sonic Pops up on screen press UP C DOWN C LEFT C RIGHT C then hold A while holding A press START.
On a normal दिन on planet mobius at a normal school, third grade Miles Prower was being bullied for his two tails.
Kids: (chanting) Two Tails Two Tails Two Tails Two Tails!
Miles: (sobbing) Stop it!
he yelled (punches Miles). Miles cries louder
Kids: (chanting) Cry baby two tails Cry baby two tails Cry baby two tails!!
(that night)
Miles: I'm gonna run away... (scribbles words on a pice of paper) And I'm never coming back!
(next day)
Cindy: Miles! time to get up for school!
Miles is already far off on a large island stranded.
Miles: (sobbing) Mommy!
(suddenly) WHOOSH (Miles' ears perk up)
to be continued
Kids: (chanting) Two Tails Two Tails Two Tails Two Tails!
Miles: (sobbing) Stop it!
he yelled (punches Miles). Miles cries louder
Kids: (chanting) Cry baby two tails Cry baby two tails Cry baby two tails!!
(that night)
Miles: I'm gonna run away... (scribbles words on a pice of paper) And I'm never coming back!
(next day)
Cindy: Miles! time to get up for school!
Miles is already far off on a large island stranded.
Miles: (sobbing) Mommy!
(suddenly) WHOOSH (Miles' ears perk up)
to be continued
Three dark figures stand motionless when finally the final adjustment to their wiring is made...Silence occurred. Suddenly the three figures became stable and the one on the right glowed red, the one on the let glowed green, and the one in the middle glowed blue.
Yes! My inventions are completed! Ho ho ha ha! Now my plan shall come into place! The Eggman Empire will soon come to be! Mwahahahahahaha!...