Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman Club
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added by carol1022
added by fetchgirl2366
posted by fetchgirl2266
I got this from the Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman website. Here's all the info on Willie from Season 2:

Pet profile:
Willie has a fluffy bunny named Cocoa. He's also the proud owner of some chickens, ducks, and four geese: Joey, Cutie, Chewy, and Frisky. He tried training them to come to him. For a while it worked, but now, they just bite him. Maybe he should change their names to Jaws, Chompy, Chewy, and Fangy.

Most daring moment:
Riding the Silver Bullet roller coaster. It went super fast! Ooh... a super-fast roller coaster? I'm getting woozy just thinking about it.

Favorite thing to cook:
His favorite...
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posted by fetchgirl2266
I got this from the Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman website. Here's all the info on Bridget from Season 2:

Pet profile:
Bridget owns seven fish, who will remain nameless in order to protect their identities. I guess they're in the "Fishness Protection Program!" Get it? See, it's like the WITNESS Protection Program, but for fish! (Sigh.) Okay, they can't all be winners...

Sibling status:
An older brother, two younger brothers, and a little sister

Superhero persona:
"Mind-reader." If she were a superhero, Bridget would use her powers to prevent catastrophes before they happen. Very noble. Of course, आप don't...
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posted by fetchgirl2266
I got this from the "Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman" website. Here's all the info on Isaac from Season 4:

Pet profile:
Isaac has three dogs, and he taught one of them to dance like a ballerina! But, Isaac would be really embarrassed to do a ballerina act himself! He does a mean moonwalk into English class, though. Niiiice.

Favorite subjects:
Spanish, Math, and Science

Family facts:
Isaac has a mom and a dad (his mom used to be a cheerleader!) and one sister. He कहा he'd be really embarrassed to hug his parents in public. Come on Isaac, give them a H-U-G!

Favorite foods:
Don't mess with breakfast – Isaac...
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added by fetchgirl2266
added by fetchgirl2266
added by carol1022
added by fetchgirl2266
added by fetchgirl2366
added by fetchgirl2266
added by carol1022
On September 6, 2008 Sam and Sammy from Fetch with Ruff Ruffman Season 3 visited Macys in Edina, MN.
added by fetchgirl2366
added by carol1022
added by fetchgirl2266
added by fetchgirl2366