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added by labyrinth75
added by labyrinth75
added by nickmylove
added by gwll10
added by nickmylove
added by nickmylove
added by nickmylove
posted by labyrinth75
Right guys, आप might think i'm going crazy but if आप like the Kane Chronicles you'll understand what I mean.
Many of आप may think I mean Drew & Lacy who appeared in the Serpent's Shadow well, I'm not.
I think Felix (The सिंहासन of आग & The Serpent's Shadow) is a demigod, a son of Boreas. My reason, theres many clues.
Clue 1#: He loves penguins. He takes penguins from Antartica या the south pole (I don't know where they come from) and puts them in Brooklyn House. What temperature do penguins like, the cold. What does Felix प्यार penguins. What would a son of boreas love, penguins and...
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added by gwll10
added by nickmylove
added by nickmylove
added by gwll10
added by gwll10
added by labyrinth75
added by nickmylove
added by nickmylove
added by gwll10
added by animegrl52p
Source: गूगल
added by nickmylove
added by gwll10