Escape the Fate Club
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added by Coolt7
added by xAnnaVelvetXx
added by xAnnaVelvetXx
this song is so sad, first time i heard it, i almost cried. this song is in there सेकंड album dying is your latest fashion. ♥
escape the fate
ronnie radke
added by Yarrgh
probably my most favourite song द्वारा them which isn't on an album. love♥
escape the fate
ronnie radke.
added by Chlarkfan
added by xMrsBassx
added by Coolt7
added by SykesTheGreat
added by xAnnaVelvetXx
added by Coolt7
added by Pufyfantastik
added by xAnnaVelvetXx
added by cinemabizarre69
added by xMrsBassx
added by A6Fan
well i've loved escape the fate for three years now,i've been a massive प्रशंसक of blessthefall for two years now also.but unfortunately,in two thousand & seven&eight, they fell apart due to ronnie witnessing his friend murdering someone & not confessing etc etc. well i really loved the first two of their albums,they were great,had a lot of meaning & depth in them,& most of the songs related to plenty of people today.but when craig was kicked out of blessthefall,& then replaced ronnie,i was really torn because,i loved both ronnie & craig, escape the fate & blessthefall....
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added by Pufyfantastik
added by A6Fan