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In his own words, the actor and advocate talks about his childhood, his career, his transition, and his life, though not necessarily in that order. Esquire, June 2022.
Cover story from TIME, March 2021.
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1 fan
Billboard for Ellen Page's new Viceland documentary series about एल जी बी टी culture around the globe
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लेख द्वारा R. Kurt Osenlund for Out.com, 11 NOV 2014.
2 fans
What was the hidden meaning of Ariadne in "Inception"? Here are some fun observations on the film, what it all meant, and the true meaning of Ariadne's name.
एक साल से अधिक पुराना
Great चित्रो of actual costumes worn द्वारा Ellen Page (Ariadne), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Arthur) and Marion Cotillard (Mal) in Inception, plus other प्रॉप्स used in the movie on display at ArcLight Sherman Oaks cinema
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