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added by iris
added by cliff
Source: Dodge
added by ROTJ
"There are very good reasons why EVs didn’t spring up as a viable alternative in a free market and, even with government incentives and subsidies, दिखाना very sluggish sales. Features John Stossel, Eric Peters."
Politicians and activists who want all cars to go electric are guilty of magical thinking.
Activists and politicians प्यार electric cars so much so that they want to take away your other choices. But their green dream is just a fantasy.
added by iris
 Tesla Model 3 "Trunk" hole
Tesla Model 3 "Trunk" hole
Now that the wraps have come off, we can finally make a relatively straight comparison between the the Tesla Model E ... er Model 3, the Chevy Bolt, and others in the अंतरिक्ष like the Prius Prime. This pulls no punches, so don't read on if you're a fanboy या irrational.

Tesla Model 3
215 mile estimated range
Fun and sporty to drive
Relentless Tesla over-the-air updates. Do NOT underestimate the power of Tesla's OTA updates
Best Autopilot (Semi-self-driving tech) in the industry
Rear-wheel-drive, with optional All-wheel-drive (AWD)
True fully independent suspension for a better ride and handling...
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added by iris
added by cliff
Source: Dodge
added by iris
added by shimmeringstar
added by cliff
Source: Cardisiac
added by cliff
Source: Dodge
added by cliff
Source: Dodge
added by shimmeringstar
added by cliff
added by SXY_JL_08
added by iris
added by cliff
Source: Dodge