This is the story of the 1st time ever i laughed and cried at a twilight joke . one mourning I was riding in the car with my step-dad and as always i talked about twilight and Edward Cullen and vampires. So when I was talking about Edward ,the Cullens,and वैंपायर and i started talking about how they are perfect in every way , sparkle in sunlight. When we were talking I कहा "Vampires can do anything!" and my step-dad said" Yeah! except exist!". Then I started to laugh and told him he was so mean and if आप talked to any Edward/Cullen/Vampire प्रशंसक they would say that they are real. But he didn't care and was sticking to his joke and even though I was deeply affended I had to admitt that the joke is a little funny.This is the story of the joke my step-dad toldcand how I reacted( I hope आप can comment.)Bye-Bye.