Duke went crashing down this साल in the NCAA.
They have done much better in the past. Meanwhile
braceters and duke प्रशंसकों took them to the चोटी, शीर्ष on thier brackets but they where dissapointed. They
could have done much better in my point of view.
We are lucky to have nice players like Nolan Smith
and Kyle Singler. But I mean come on Duke pick up your game becauseit looks like आप just dropped it. I mean come on. I live in North Carolina and for sports दिन last साल it was a swarm of blue devils this साल everyone had Carolina blue on and
I found myself slipping on a UNC jersy.
They have done much better in the past. Meanwhile
braceters and duke प्रशंसकों took them to the चोटी, शीर्ष on thier brackets but they where dissapointed. They
could have done much better in my point of view.
We are lucky to have nice players like Nolan Smith
and Kyle Singler. But I mean come on Duke pick up your game becauseit looks like आप just dropped it. I mean come on. I live in North Carolina and for sports दिन last साल it was a swarm of blue devils this साल everyone had Carolina blue on and
I found myself slipping on a UNC jersy.