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Mater the Tow Truck Club
Mater the Tow Truck Club
If आप are a प्रशंसक of Mater please शामिल होइए the Mater the tow truck club
कीवर्ड्स: cars, पिक्सार, डिज़्नी, cars 2, एनीमेशन, disney's cars, cars 3, mater
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Mater the Tow Truck प्रशंसक Club | Fansite with photos, videos, and और
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
The fans pick: He's a MALE because he's bigger and his voice
Would any of you join a club I made about Mater and Holley?
What Character In The Movies Or TV Shows Does Mater Remind You Of?
Excerpt: Disney and Pixar\'s Cars Tow Mater is a perfect mixture of good ole boy, ladies\' man, smarty pants, clever, naive, mischievous, talented, daredevil - and is possibly the goofiest character that any production studio has ever created.
Tow Mater was brought into this world in the little town of Radiator Springs, along historic Route 66 in the year of January 12th, 1957. Although it is not known for sure, he is believed to be the son of Auto and Ani Mater from Provo, UT.
Read this heartwarming article on Mater and about fitting in and loving everybody. It touched my heart.
video was added: Why Mater Is The Real Hero In Cars
a comment was made to the wallpaper: Mater the tow truck wallpapers
more mater the tow truck forum posts >>
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