Death Eater Roleplay Club
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added by Umbridge
added by KateKicksAss
added by KateKicksAss
added by KateKicksAss
Source: tumblr
added by KateKicksAss
Source: tumblr
added by KateKicksAss
Source: tumblr
added by Lenzetta-Lovett
I never heard this song but I think the video was cool :) And the song is good too, after hearing it for the first time लोल
डेथ ईटर्स
added by Scabior
Source: me!
added by KateKicksAss
added by KateKicksAss
Source: tumblr
added by KateKicksAss
Source: tumblr
added by Bellatrix-Black
Source: Various online sources
posted by Lenzetta-Lovett
Still Lenzetta’s POV:
    The अगला evening was probably the worst since the night of my parents deaths. We held one of notorious meetings which involved of course locating Harry Potter and a little bit of plans to overthrow the ministry. Those topics were fine to speak of, I’ve दिया some noteworthy suggestions of my own that the Dark Lord seemed pleased with, but the ending of the meeting was what made me feel ill.
    “Ladies, gentlemen,” he कहा right as people were going to get up from their seats. “For those of आप who do not know, we have...
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posted by Lenzetta-Lovett
Lenzetta’s POV:

    The majestic doors of the Manor flew open with such force, that it seemed nearly impossible that they still remained on their hinges. I had been running, and was literally out of breath as small sobs escaped me. Why I ran? I had no clue. I mean, why didn’t I just apparate back here? I had my wand with me!
Stupid girl
    That voice inside my head was right. I am a stupid girl and will always be one. Tearing myself away from that thought, I noticed that the Manor was completely dark. I couldn’t even see my pale hand as I held it...
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posted by KateKicksAss
So my original लेख with Chapter 1 can be found here:

If you've forgotten, it's about Kate visiting Bellatrix in Azkaban right after the Longbottom torture. Please tell me what आप think, all feedback is appreciated. Thanks!

The man’s expression changed after Kate spoke.
“You one of them no good Death Eaters?!”, he yelled, leaping up. Kate tried not to smirk.

He leaned आगे and grabbed Kate’s left sleeve. Kate shrieked and tried to hit him as he yanked up the sleeves of her long dark कोट and dress.
He gaped and let go when he saw the smooth, pale skin of her arm.

“No-no mark”,...
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posted by Xander-Kriechen
The walls are illuminated द्वारा one small candle. Xander lies on his back staring at the ceiling above him. The shadows of both him and his novel crazed companion Josh dance upon the walls. The room is silent for a moment until Xander sighs heavily and turns to his side.

    “What’s wrong, Xan?” Josh questions, only glancing away from his book for a विभाजित करें, विभक्त करें moment.

    “She knows, Josh,” Xander replied pointedly.

Josh groaned in annoyance and practically threw his book aside.

    “Look, आप really need to elaborate on what you...
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 Bellatrix getting mad. Again.
Bellatrix getting mad. Again.
Me, Myself, and I

By Rita Skeeter

Exclusive interview with notorious Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange

"Here I am, sitting in the private dungeon of the notorious Bellatrix Lestrange, most feared follower of the Dark Lord, and having a completely normal interview. Read on to see if there’s और to Bellatrix than just madness and a nasty reputation!"

RS: Hello!

BL: *growls*

RS: Do आप mind if I use a quick-quotes quill?

BL: What’s that?

*fingers wand handle threateningly*

RS: Oh, nothing, erm, moving on…Can I call आप Bella?

BL: No.

RS: Can I see your Dark Mark?

BL: *glares threateningly* How DARE...
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added by babazeze