Some of आप might seen this Time Zone, already in another Spot. I thought it would be great to do the same here, as we are from all over the World.
With permission of adyingsomething I can use her Timezone map here as well.:)
The letters refere to the सूची to the map at the bottom.
Please let me know, when I can add you, या if i'm wrong with your Timezone.
U (-8)
Paramore-CSI - British Columbia
24girl - Canada
S (-6)
--ame-- - Mexico
R (-5)
Lindy52 - New York
Q (-4)
marwi - Argentina
Z (0)
girly_girl - Ireland
Criminalminds15 - England
basket_case1880 - Enlgand
CadburyBabe- Scotland
CathCuddy - Portugal
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