Criminal Minds प्रशंसकों Club
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added by Simmy
Source: Simmy
Uploaded द्वारा DaVinci013 on youtube. NOTE: Thomas Gibson singing!!! :D
क्रिमिनल माइण्ड्स
season 4
gag reel
added by Celina79
Made द्वारा Hotchpotch08 on youtube. He's my favourite male character on the show. LADIES this is for you!:D
क्रिमिनल माइण्ड्स
aaron hotchner
added by Simmy
Source: Angela Cook
added by Simmy
Source: Angela Cook
posted by criminalminds15
OK... If आप can be bothered to read this या just answer the सवाल it would help!
OK... I wrote this in साल 5 या साल 4 या whatever and ages पूर्व I randomly typed it up on my computer. I'm now wondering whether to get rid of it as let's face it it's kinda rubbish! But I wondered if I should keep it as it's part of my life's history...


The house stood there, lonely and deserted. Lesley gasped from far away it had looked accompanied and he could have sworn smoke had eagerly leapt out of the chimney.
He had also heard the sound that so often one associates with a house in which many happy...
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added by criminalminds15
added by Simmy
Source: Angela Cook
added by Simmy
Source: Angela Cook
added by criminalminds15
added by deppforever
Source: Deppforever

Birthday: Febuary 11th

Star Sign: Aquarius

Symbolisation: The Water Carrier

Element: Air

Ruling Planet: Uranus

Stone: Amethyst

Colour Choice: Turquoise

Life Pursuits: To understand life's mysteries

Traits: Adventurous and energetic
Pioneering and courageous
Enthusiastic and confident
Dynamic and quick-witted

Likes: Fighting for Causes
Dreaming and Planning for the Future
Thinking of the Past
Good Companions
Having Fun

Dislikes: False Promises
Excessive Loneliness
The Ordinary

Secret Desire: To be unique and original


Birthday: March 21st

Star Sign: Aries...
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Ok Inspired द्वारा my sophtacular sophalicious sopha SOPHIE yay lolz
*croud cheers
*Chants Sophie sophie
*wonders whatd she inspire now
*JAckie yellls Quiet
*crowd sits down
So as ya know Sophie is 7 hours ahead of me so this is the story of How I changed that
*crowd listens eagerly

Jackie and Sopha where having a nice converstaion one day. When Sopha was up at 1am.
*crowd scolds sopha
Anyways so we decided on how we could fiz the timing issue so Jackie yes the amazing Jackie.
*crowd cheers wildly
came up with ideas to fix it!!!!!!!
*crowd cheers
one stop time only in england
*crowd yells yaya
two KIdnap sopha...
continue reading...
Here's the Criminal Minds Episode Schedule for the end of October and for November.

I'll update it as soon as there's और new dates confirmed. And, of course, in case there are any changes on the airing dates.

NOTE: This लेख may contain spoilers for the upcoming Criminal Minds episodes. If आप don't want to be spoiled, DON'T read it.

-21/10/2009 - 5x05 - "Cradle to Grave" - New Episode

Episode description: The team hunts a suspect who impregnates young women and has them give birth before murdering them.

-28/10/2009 - 4x20 - "Conflicted"

-04/11/2009 - 5x06 - "The Eyes Have it" - New Episode

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posted by Paramore-CSI
Ok now I decided to write a fic about me and reid lolz so i am posting it here lolz and on the reid प्रशंसकों spot lolz. This was half sophies idea so thanks.(sorry bout spelling and stuff spelll chacks not working.) i tried I ddont think i got reids character too well but i guess ill see. Feed back is encouraged and l;oved alot so if u could टिप्पणी दे i would प्यार it. ok well here it is.

Her eyes met his as she passed him, for the first time she could tell he was actually her true love, his eyes just spoke to her. He was like the missing piece to her life, she needed him. She continued walking along...
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Some of आप might seen this Time Zone, already in another Spot. I thought it would be great to do the same here, as we are from all over the World.
With permission of adyingsomething I can use her Timezone map here as well.:)
The letters refere to the सूची to the map at the bottom.

Please let me know, when I can add you, या if i'm wrong with your Timezone.

U (-8)
Paramore-CSI - British Columbia
24girl - Canada

S (-6)
--ame-- - Mexico

R (-5)
Lindy52 - New York

Q (-4)
marwi - Argentina

Z (0)
girly_girl - Ireland
Criminalminds15 - England
basket_case1880 - Enlgand
CadburyBabe- Scotland
CathCuddy - Portugal
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added by criminalminds15
added by suu
Source: suu
added by criminalminds15
Source: Erm, आप for the origional screencap!
added by Celina79
Source: Celina79