Cosmo The Seedrian Club
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added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic X, SEGA
added by sonicgp
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic X, SEGA
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic X, SEGA
added by Evolia-Wulf
Source: Evolia-Wulf, Sonic X
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic X
added by miligurl012
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic C
added by miligurl012
added by miligurl012
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic X, SEGA
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic C
posted by Hellowittykitty
Hi, Hellowittykitty here, signing off! I've just joined Cosmo the Seedrian's club. *applause* and I just wanna know, does she प्यार Tails, and do they end up together? But my possible theory is yes. I dunno why I think this, but I believe that she showed signs in Sonic X ( I don't watch that show, my sister watches it but I like it! ^_^) that she likes him. Also, a picture on Deviantart showed that she was hugging Tails because she was scared या something close to that. I like Cosmo, but sometimes I see her as a bit too princessy, as if she wants everyone to protect her while she sits back and...
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added by aiai2503
added by Dynofox15
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic X, SEGA
added by soniclover300
Source: Sonic X, SEGA
Chimera : *Takes supply box from Senrity*

Senrity : Now remember no plots for the Materex.

Tetra : No worrys mother. We'll be good.*Heads for ship controls* COMPUTER! Set the countdown for take-off!

Ship : Please eter password.

Tetra : *Types*

Ship : Confirmed. Setting countdown. Countdown set. 10...9...8...

CHimera : *Runs in* *Waves from window*

Ship : 6...5...4...3...2...1...Take-off.

*Ship Heads into space*


Tetra : *Controling the ship* COMPUTER! Set a course for "Earth"

Computer : Setting course for "Earth"

Tetra : Hmm...

*10 years later*

Tetra : (Yeah I know this is ridiculous but I have no...
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added by RealCosmic