कोबरा Kai
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कोबरा Kai In your opinion, which movie is the LEAST watchable?
7 fans picked: |
The अगला Karate Kid
The Karate Kid III
The Karate Kid II
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For me it is def. NKK by a landslide.
I like the thing with Miyagi and the arrow at the monestary
Miyagi kicking the crap out of those gomers in the backwoods
filling station is easily the best part.
The rest of it is pretty unwatchable…downright preposterous!
I TRIED to watch it today…BIG MISTAKE.
Why does this Boston high school allow an ROTC leader to: order around faculty/staff, have his cadets bunge chord into the school gymnasium during prom, and encourage/condone male cadets street fighting random girls? Let’s not forget the actual HAWK that is housed atop a roof in an urban setting…AND there is a large cage that just happens to be there??
I can almost go along with the overly silly “zen-bowling” and monks dancing to the Cranberries(kinda funny) …but yeah it’s pretty rough. ;)
My hope is CK redeems it somewhat like they did for KK3 & KK2
It’s too bad…Michael Ironside is a character actor legend.
Cool voice…and his name is “Ironside”. Poor guy had nothing to work with @ all.
Also a young Walter Groggins. (Hilarious)
EDIT: Goggins
If they dive into Miyagi training Julie’s grandfather or how Julie was a more gifted Student of Miyagi than Daniel…the monastery stuff has promise..
etc etc…and maybe some of the stuff that didn’t work can be cleaned up a bit
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