Clint Eastwood Club
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added by willow2us
Source: willow2us
@Vee Før Vendetta
dirty harry
sudden impact
final fight
movie clip
clint eastwood
sondra locke
@BlackView HD
shootout scene
clint eastwood
gene hackman
मॉर्गन freeman
richard harris
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr
Clint Eastwood has directed और Hollywood stars to Oscars® than any other filmmaker of his time. How does he do it? Perhaps it’s what he doesn’t do. He doesn't say, "Action." He doesn’t say, “Cut.”
clint eastwood
cinematic legacy
episode 5
an actor's director
warner classic
added by rakshasa
Source: Carmel magazine
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr
added by rakshasa
Source: JStarrC / JSC tumblr
added by rakshasa
Source: starchildluver
added by rakshasa
Source: tumblr
@Western - Old West - फिल्में Scenes
hang'em high
when आप hang a man
आप better look at him
clint eastwood
movie clip