ok so these are things that आप should know about me या आप may need/want to know about me!!! =D
hi, my name is cleo
my fave band: black eyed pees
my fave singers: justin bieber, usher, avril
lavigne, chris brown, christina grimmie, ke$ha.
my fave color: purple/blue
my fave song: और by:Usher-it blows my friggen mind!!
my least प्रिय song: whip my hair by:willow smith-ehh its a freaky song...
my प्रिय number: 6 and 7-there easy
my प्रिय thing to do when i'm bored: listen to music
my प्रिय word: lol- i know its weird!!
i;m from australia
i'm 17
my birthday is march 1 1994
i प्यार how i met your mother-its a show..
my यूट्यूब obbsetions: i प्यार jamie laou, christina grimmie, the key of awsome, the midnight beast. loads more!!
i'm emo
these are things that are about me =D
hi, my name is cleo
my fave band: black eyed pees
my fave singers: justin bieber, usher, avril
lavigne, chris brown, christina grimmie, ke$ha.
my fave color: purple/blue
my fave song: और by:Usher-it blows my friggen mind!!
my least प्रिय song: whip my hair by:willow smith-ehh its a freaky song...
my प्रिय number: 6 and 7-there easy
my प्रिय thing to do when i'm bored: listen to music
my प्रिय word: lol- i know its weird!!
i;m from australia
i'm 17
my birthday is march 1 1994
i प्यार how i met your mother-its a show..
my यूट्यूब obbsetions: i प्यार jamie laou, christina grimmie, the key of awsome, the midnight beast. loads more!!
i'm emo
these are things that are about me =D

christina grimmie-my fave youtube singer

