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 कैन्डी वॉलपेपर्स
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Source: wallpapers.graphicfreebies.com
some कैन्डी वॉलपेपर्स for your comp :)
posted by cupcake2456
This is a सूची of 42 candys and some information!Enjoy!

1.)Snickers: Snickers is a चॉकलेट bar with caramel,peanuts,and चॉकलेट covered.They have a very big king size.

2.)Twizzlers:Twizzlers is liqourice that has four flavors.Red,orange,yellow,and black.There is also another liqourice brand that is called Red Vines.

3.)Tootsie Pop:Tootsie Pop is a lolipop that has कारमेल inside of it.It has five flavors.Dark red,blue,orange,brown,and red.

4.)Hersheys:Hersheys is a चॉकलेट that आप can break into little pieces and share.There is a king size.There are two other flavors.Cookies'n'Creme and...
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added by ktichenor
added by jlhfan624
Source: Emily Blincoe
added by Naturally_Super
added by jlhfan624
Source: White Mountain
added by Naturally_Super
added by Naturally_Super
added by jlhfan624
Source: गूगल
added by ktichenor
added by Naturally_Super
added by Naturally_Super
added by Naturally_Super
added by jlhfan624