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added by BtrHottie32
added by Clau2009btr
added by Clau2009btr
added by Clau2009btr
Carlos Pena is one of 4 members of BTR, a series that it began as movie and happened to be one of the प्रिय of Nickelodeon. From L.A, we chat with him and find a funny and grateful boy who cannot believe he’s living this dream together with his 4 companions whom, already he considers to be friends.

LUNA TEEN: – What do आप have in common with your personage?
CARLOS: – He is an exaggerated version of myself, he not have limits , is able to do anything and has lots of energy. At the same time, is very affectionate, a real team player.

LUNA TEEN: – What do आप think is the best of this...
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added by Clau2009btr
added by Clau2009btr
added by Clau2009btr
added by Clau2009btr
added by Sarah6789
added by Clau2009btr
added by Clau2009btr
added by kushykushy