हे guys i am back i didn't get a artical request so i am doing a review about the artical ब्रतायले people टिप्पणी जोड़ा गया हे really harsh things about my artical i am only 10 years old the artical is old so आप guys should have read it when i पोस्टेड it आप guys r late i like लेखन articals so u guys can read it if आप have something rude keep it to your self here are the सूची of people that made me sad;joriemcclendon;violetblue2 DO NOT EVER POST SOMETHING RUDE i stop लेखन articals for 8 months but now i'm starting wit a revew on a artical from 8 months पूर्व bye hope every one reads this here's the shout out to people who wrote a nice comment;NAFISSALOVE;AND TINK3567 THX PLEASE LET ME KNOW WAT अगला WEEKS ARTICAL SHOULD ABOUT BYE
हे guys today this one is really going to be about me and Caleb because I really miss him so it is really bad because he never really knew me so back to the point I am one of the 5 million subscribers I subscribed after Caleb died and then it was Hayley and me then after that it was annie and me so that is all I have to say today. so that is what I have to say about them now on to gymnastics I do gymnastics I can do a pullover a cartwheel a fronttuck a backtuck a knee to front tuck a double front tuck oh and a full twist back tuck a back handspring a front handspring a presshandstand a bounder and I can sing really good but since आप cannot hear me I will not wright down one of my song well until अगला time bye
Annie was born in Augusta Georgia while her father was station at fort Gordon Georgia. Annie is one of the three siblings that make up the family vlog YouTube channel Bratayley. She is a कसरती, जिमनास्ट who was already training for level 8 at the age of 10. She first started out on YouTube on a channel called acroanna where she पोस्टेड gymnastics meets and tutorials. Her parents' names are Katie and Billy. She collaborates with her sister Hayley on the channels ब्रतायले and OMMYGOSHTV. Her older brother Caleb passed away in 2015