Blossom and Brick Club
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(I fly in to find Bubbles and Buttercup just hovering)
Me:What is going on?
(And Bubbles and Buttercup fly off without saying anything,which is sus)
Blossom thinking:*Brick is my match for a boy-friend! Who cares about science like डेक्स्टर Thompson(first love)! Brick can fly like me!! I प्यार him so much now/a crush of him!!:)*
Brick:Hey pinky!! Come down here!!
(Blossom goes)
Brick: I प्यार आप so much,I want to be your boy-friend. Would आप प्यार if आप were my girl-friend?
Blossom: YES!!! Lets go babe!!!
Brick: Lets have fun!!!
(And they fly off,and thats part 3 in this story,started द्वारा HyperBlossom37 and continued द्वारा WolfGirl259)
To be continued...
posted by hannamee
 the person that made the story
the person that made the story
bc:im so bored theres noithin to do up in here
blossom:i know but its school bc theres nothin आप can do about it
bubbles:shes right unless we have to transform in to the ppgz
bc:now come to think of it its i प्यार school better than that stupit skrit
miss.kean:hey आप three stop talking
beep beep beep
blossom and bubbles:teacher
buttercup:yo teach
all girls:we have to help the art teacher clean up
bc:for $10 dollars
blossom and bubbles:buttercup!the girls run out untile miss kean says
miss kaen:ok u can go only if आप anser this qestion what is 100 x 66 =?
blossom:100 and 993
continue reading...
posted by HyperBlossom37
*belt* BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!
*Blossom* Mrs.Kean I have a sore stomach!
*Bubbles* Mrs.Kean I have a throat ache!
*Buttercup* Yo teach! I have a monkey cold!
*Mrs.K* Oh!Go to the nurse right away!!!
Transformation time!!! *pretty music!*la la la!
*at the park* *RRBZ are trashing the place!!!!*
*Blossom* Stop it Brick!!! I thought WE discussed this last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Bubbles and BC* !!!!!????????? what!?!
*Brick whispering* Guys we need to get outta here for blossom and now b4 it gets awkward!!!!!
RRBZ suddenly takes off and Blossom flies away blushing.
*Blossom on the phone* Yes i'll see u 2nite, yes i प्यार आप too and always! ~TO BE CONTINUED I THIINK!