Blogging Looking for Other Cell Phone Bloggers

tweakpotter posted on May 20, 2010 at 04:55AM
My idea is a little different, but still interesting, at least to me. LOL. The blog is called Parler de Toilette (aka Toilet Talk), but that's because the idea was based around me playing with my phone while on the toilet. I would like to have multiple bloggers blogging ONLY from their cell phones (either through email posts or WordPress app or whatever). It doesn't have to be from the while on the toilet, though that does add what little uniqueness my lil idea has. And I am not looking for one or two sentence status updates or tweets, but actual blogs with real ideas and opinions and thoughts.

I have included a link to Parler de Toilette ( link ), but I have only posted a few blogs until I came up with the multiple blogger idea.

Let me know what you think, either way please. Thank you.
 My idea is a little different, but still interesting, at least to me. LOL. The blog is called Parler

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