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added by 6Grimmjow6
added by Animeanimal
added by KissKissHannah
added by Sonicishot
Source: Whoever made Black Butler!
added by peteandco
Source: tumblr
added by madening_mahem
added by BLW
Source: गूगल
added by madening_mahem
added by butlerman
added by EmoSasuSaku
added by Cat_Cat
added by Cat_Cat
posted by FmaChimeraGirl
 Kutsuu's Contract Symbol.
Kutsuu's Contract Symbol.
Hello, readers. I like Black Butler and have thought about लेखन a fanfiction story for it. I hope आप like it. Also, I have other fanfictions for Fullmetal Alchemist titled Magna Vengeance.

《Kutsuu Himura's P.O.V.》

I stared at my butler, annoyed. His black hair shone under the light. I said, "Damien, fix it at once!" The leg of the chair wobbled beneath me and I scowled. He said, "I apologize for neglecting my duties, My Lady. I do wish आप wouldn't scowl so, it will ruin your soul's sweet taste." I stood up. "Don't talk of my soul until I finish my goals! I'll be out द्वारा the creek." I...
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added by tyger002
ब्लैक बट्लर

The carriage became cloaked द्वारा mist as it rolled further into the bending boughs of the woods. My master was his usual, muttering things such as "This is taking too long," and "I'm bored," under his breath. As though talking to an invisible psychiatrist, his hands flew about as he blubbered incoherent language.

Finally, the carriage stopped at a halt.

"Hmph," Alois complained. "I thought it would be a lot और exciting that that."

I looked up and saw the mammoth structure in front of me. "Now why," I asked myself. "would someone chose the middle of a forest as a location for their business?"...
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