Kutsuu's Contract Symbol.
Hello, readers. I like Black Butler and have thought about लेखन a fanfiction story for it. I hope आप like it. Also, I have other fanfictions for Fullmetal Alchemist titled Magna Vengeance.
《Kutsuu Himura's P.O.V.》
I stared at my butler, annoyed. His black hair shone under the light. I said, "Damien, fix it at once!" The leg of the chair wobbled beneath me and I scowled. He said, "I apologize for neglecting my duties, My Lady. I do wish आप wouldn't scowl so, it will ruin your soul's sweet taste." I stood up. "Don't talk of my soul until I finish my goals! I'll be out द्वारा the creek." I...
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