Azealia Banks Club
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added by geocen
Source: वॉलपेपर द्वारा geocen
Exclusively Licensed द्वारा Entertainment One. Fantasea II Coming Soon.
azealia banks
treasure island
added by geocen
Source: वॉलपेपर द्वारा geocen
added by Nevermind5555
Source: Azealia Banks Official फेसबुक
added by Nevermind5555
added by Nevermind5555
added by geocen
Official video for “Ice Princess” directed द्वारा WeWereMonkeys
azealia banks
ice princess
added by Nevermind5555
Source: Azealia Banks Official फेसबुक
added by Nevermind5555
Source: Azealia Banks Official फेसबुक
added by Nevermind5555
Source: Azealia Banks Official फेसबुक
added by geocen
"SODA" From Broke With Expensive Taste dir: Jahvel Brown
azealia banks
Official video for “The Big Big Beat” directed द्वारा Matt Sukkar
azealia banks
the big big beat
This is a short सूची about some facts that I found interesting about Azealia Banks' career that the rapper/singer confirmed on his फेसबुक account after being blocked from Twitter a while ago.

Note that this facts are not listed in any particular order, so here they are:

◘ "Idle Delilah" was the last song written for 2014's, "Broke With Expensive Taste." Written while intoxicated, Idle D chronicles the दिन in the life of a procrastinator.

◘ "SLAY-Z" is a nickname दिया to Azealia Banks द्वारा one of her प्रशंसकों in 2014. a play on the Z in Banks' name, and her propensity to release consistently awesome...
continue reading...
added by Nevermind5555
Source: Azealia Banks Official फेसबुक
added by Nevermind5555
Source: Azealia Banks Official फेसबुक
added by Nevermind5555
Source: Azealia Banks Official फेसबुक
added by Nevermind5555
Source: Azealia Banks Official फेसबुक
added by Nevermind5555
Source: Azealia Banks Official फेसबुक
added by Nevermind5555
Source: Azealia Banks Official फेसबुक