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added by EPaws
Source: Promo Shot
added by ellarose88
Source: anicenttale
added by EPaws
Source: nikascott
added by EPaws
Source: mellysworldofdreams
added by EPaws
Source: lowenstenstropy
added by EPaws
Source: carlospyrrhus
added by merlinforever
Source: first-star-in-the-sky tumblr
Part 32: link

    Gwen sits in a pew in the front, the only representative of the groom’s family, Arthur beside her, looking very handsome in his suit. Merlin sits behind them with Freya and the rest of their friends: Gwaine, Percy and Vivian, Leon and Mithian, and Duncan and Ezra and their wives.
    The maid of honor, Latoya’s younger sister Larissa, has just come up the aisle to stand beside Celia, and soon there are soft coos as a tiny फूल girl makes her unsteady way forward. Gwen turns and looks, but she cannot see the child yet. She looks forward...
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added by EPaws
Source: Yavannauk
added by VampyreFey
ब्रेडली जेम्स
एंजल coulby
added by ellarose88
Source: euphoria1001
posted by kbrand5333
Part 11: link

Okay, so I lied. The last chapter is not my last chapter. Tassja_G was supposed to finish us up, but real life has gotten in the way, so I once again have the honors.

Los Angeles
Present day

    Arthur stares into the rear-view mirror, watching the motorcycle parked behind him, its lights flashing, as he sits on the shoulder of Los Angeles’ I-5.
    He sighs, watching the officer climb off the bike, remove his हेलमेट and set it on the सीट of his bike.
    Scratch that.
    He watches the officer...
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Part 15: link

    Arthur plunges his head under the warm spray of the shower, thoroughly rinsing the remains of the shaving cream and bits of hair down the tub drain. Gwen stands back slightly, just watching the water run in rivulets down his body, chasing through the lines of his muscled torso, shimmering against the dragon on his shoulder.
    “Come here, you,” he growls seductively, reaching for her, pulling her into the warmth of his arms and the water. “You’re so cold! I’m sorry, I’m hogging the water.”
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Lovely scene. Enjoy. द्वारा the way, Jessie also appears in the impromptu eplilogue (the director really loved Angel's performance) which is a delightful surprise.
एंजल coulby
anthony stewart head
added by EPaws
Source: bradleysangel