I प्यार Amanda Bynes! The First time I saw her was on the Amanda show. She was funny, preety and और funny. Then I saw alot of the फिल्में she made including:Big Fat Liar-Hairspary-Shes a Man- What a Girl Wants-Robots-Sydeney White-Living proff and much much more. Shes been in T.V shows like What I like About You. Just the name Amanda makes me think of her. I प्यार Amanda!!! She is still just an avarge american girl but she is the best. I wish she could meet us प्रशंसकों and understand how much we प्यार her.

Superstar Amanda Bynes decides it's over.
All of the Amanda Bynes प्रशंसकों who are mad, comment!!!!!!!!

Bynes talks retirement.