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अलादीन Do आप like the अलादीन series as much as the अलादीन movies?

84 fans picked:
I&# 39; ve never seen the अलादीन series.
I've never seen the अलादीन series.
I like the अलादीन series और than the movies.
I like the अलादीन series और than the movies.
 Aladdin1997 posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
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Aladdin1997 picked Yes:
The Aladdin series is great and funny but I like the movies as much.
posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना.
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rogueslayer17 picked No:
I like the series but I like the movies more
posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना.
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Aladdin1997 picked Yes:
I like the series. There are alot of episodes, movies, and there is an episode of Hercules that has Aladdin in it. There is 86 episodes of Aladdin, 3 movies, and 1 episode of Hercules that has Aladdin in it and it was all before 2000. Hercules Arabian Night was reliesed February 10, 1999 and nothing was made after that.
posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना.
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Vixie79 picked No:
I like the series, but it will never be like the movie.
posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना.
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iluvhellowkitty picked Yes:
posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना.
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glelsey picked No:
I've only seen the first movie and haven't seen all of the episodes of the series, but I didn't like it quite as much as the movie. It was pretty good though.
posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना.
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tuneatic picked Yes:
The whole Aladdin franchise is awesome!
posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना.