Actors Club
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posted by Mrbiskit
Adam West is a famous actor. He is mostly known for playing बैटमैन in the live action बैटमैन दिखाना from the late 1960s. He is also known as a voice actor. He voiced Mayor Adam West in the famous animated sitcom Family Guy. Sadly Adam West died in 2017. This लेख is to honor him and his legacy.

Adam West had a really impressive and long career. He was a actor for over 50 years. Mr. West was great at having passion and energy. He pretty much always played corny characters and he played them with lots of effort. It's hard not to enjoy every दिखाना and film that he's been in for his entertaining...
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There are a lot of good actors that have gotten the attention, respect, and awards that they deserve, but there are some great actors that aren't the household names they should be. These are the चोटी, शीर्ष 10 most underrated actors in the world. This सूची is for both live action and voice actors.

10. John DiMaggio

Most people don't know who John DiMaggio is even though he's pretty much been in every लोकप्रिय animated दिखाना from हाल का years. His best roles include Aquaman in Batman: The ब्रेव and the Bold and the Joker in Batman: Under the Red Hood. His most well known roles are Bender in Futurama...
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This is just a सूची of my प्रिय actors. I already did one for अभिनेत्रियों so I thought I'd do one for actors. And as I कहा in that list, I may not सूची any actors of color cause I really don't have any that I am a huge प्रशंसक of. But I do like अभिनय from actors of color like Will Smith.

1. Johnny Depp

Johnny has been a प्रिय of mine since I can remember. I प्यार his फिल्में and the parts that he plays.

2. Daniel Radcliffe

I love, love, प्यार Daniel. Ever since the 3rd Harry Potter, I just fell in प्यार with him. While I have like such a big crush on him, I also find him to be a very...
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There are several talented voice actors. This सूची is about my चोटी, शीर्ष 5 personal favorites. Special thanks goes to all these voice actors.

5. Seth MacFarlane

In addition to being 1 of the funniest people of all time Seth MacFarlane is a really talented voice actor. He's played various characters in Family Guy and American Dad including my 2 प्रिय Family Guy characters: Peter and Quagmire.

4. Samuel Vincent

Samuel Vincent is a actor who's played a eccentric सूची of characters: Superdog, Double D, Bugs Bunny, and my प्रिय guy villain Fisher Biskit. He's great at having several types of voices....
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