A total of 11 categories for movies, लोकप्रिय music, and TV shows were awarded, with 2AM दिया the honors for 2010’s ‘Popular Music‘ award.
The winners were chosen द्वारा 202 National Assembly members through a poll.
Other winners of the night included:
▲ 2010 Best Movie: “The Man from Nowhere”
▲ 2010 लोकप्रिय Music: 2AM
▲ 2010 TV Program: “Infinity Challenge”
▲ 2010 Radio: CulTwo
▲ 2010 Korean Traditional Music: Nam Sang Il
▲ 2010 Theater Play: “Attic Cat”
▲ 2010 Musical: “Finding Mr. Destiny”
▲ 2010 Cartoonist: Kang Pool
▲ 2010 Sports: U-17 Female National सॉकर Team
▲ Service to the Community: Shing Young Kyun
▲ Special Award: “Amazon’s Tears” (Documentary)
‘Men’s Health’ gives the Cool Guy Award to their hottest cover मॉडेल each year, and 2AM has become the first idol group to win this title.
The ‘Cool Guy Contest‘ ceremony was held at the Central City Millenium Hall in Kangnam, and 2AM’s producer, Bang Shi Hyuk, served as a judge, which drew और attention to their meeting.
प्रशंसकों who heard the news said, “Congratulations to the true bagel men, 2AM” and “The emotional idols 2AM are now taking on the cool guy title“.
2AM’s Jo Kwon tweeted a चित्र of each 2AM member’s पूर्व ‘Men’s Health’ magazine cover, saying,
“2AM’s working out has paid off~~ We’re receiving ‘Men’s Health’s’ Cool Guy Award~^_^*“