27 Dresses What Did आप Like About 27 Dresses

Pick one:
The main charcther was single (go single gals)
The main charcther was single (go single gals)
She had the hot&# 39; s for her boss
She had the hot's for her boss
it deals with being single and not getting the...
it deals with being single and not getting the person आप fancie
being a bridesmaid 27 times
being a bridesmaid 27 times
it was funny
it was funny
Katherine Heigl from Grey&# 39; s was great in it
Katherine Heigl from Grey's was great in it
it had a cute reporter aka James Marsden from...
it had a cute reporter aka James Marsden from एनचांटेड
the movie was average
the movie was average
James Marsden was absolutly brilliant!
Added by Genius_626
It was a Romantic Family Comedy! It had a little...
It was a Romantic Family Comedy! It had a little bit of all?!
Added by UnKnownSpy
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 LisaForde posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
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