27 Dresses What Did आप Like About 27 Dresses
The main charcther was single (go single gals) |
The main charcther was single (go single gals)
She had the hot&# 39; s for her boss |
She had the hot's for her boss
it deals with being single and not getting the... |
it deals with being single and not getting the person आप fancie
being a bridesmaid 27 times |
being a bridesmaid 27 times
it was funny
Katherine Heigl from Grey&# 39; s was great in it |
Katherine Heigl from Grey's was great in it
it had a cute reporter aka James Marsden from... |
it had a cute reporter aka James Marsden from एनचांटेड
the movie was average
James Marsden was absolutly brilliant!
It was a Romantic Family Comedy! It had a little... |
It was a Romantic Family Comedy! It had a little bit of all?!
is the choice you want missing?
go ahead and add it!