Siberien Huskies Club
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On the 29th January, 2 Siberien पिल्लें were stolen from the कुत्ते का बच्चा, पिल्ला boutique in Las Vegas, Nevada.
द्वारा the time the owners had realised the boutique alarm had been triggerd it was too late and the पिल्लें were gone. This was in the mid of night so there was no one in the shop. The कुत्ते का बच्चा, पिल्ला snatcher has not yet been identified.
Thankfully the 2 पिल्लें are micro chipped which may help the search. But the main concern for these पिल्लें are there age, as they are so young they require special attention that a novies dog owner may not be able to provide.
Hopefully the पिल्लें will be found soon, सुरक्षित and sound to the कुत्ते का बच्चा, पिल्ला boutique.

If आप have seen these पिल्लें या have any useful info on there were abouts that could help the situation please follow the link below to see the पिल्लें microchip code and the contact info to the कुत्ते का बच्चा, पिल्ला boutique.
Thank you-