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What's your personality type?

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(E) Extrovert
-Tend to focus on the outer world of people and the external environment
-Like variety and action
-Often impatient with long, slow jobs
-Are interested in the activities of their work and in how other people do it
-Often act quickly, sometimes without thinking
-Develop ideas द्वारा discussion
-Like to learn new task द्वारा talking it through with someone
-Need to experience the world in order to understand it and thus tend to like action

(I) Introverts
-Focus और on their own inner world, internal ideas and thoughts
-Tend not to mind working on one project for a long time uninterruptedly
-Are interested in the facts/ideas behind their work
-Like to think a lot before they act, sometimes without अभिनय
-Develop ideas द्वारा reflecting
-Seek opportunities to communicate one-to-one
-May prefer to learn द्वारा पढ़ना rather than talking या experiencing
-Like to understand the world before experiencing it, and so often think about what they are doing before acting

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link, link, link, link, link, link, link, link, link, link

(S) Sensing
-Tend to accept and work with what is "given" in the here-and-now, thus become और realistic and practical
-Like using experience and standard ways to solve problems
-Enjoy applying what they have already learned
-May distrust and ignore their inspirations
-Prefer continuation of what is, with fine tuning
-Usually proceed step-by-step
-Like evidence (facts, details, and examples) presented first
-Want practical and realistic applications shown
-Like suggestions to be straightforward and feasible
-Refer to a specific example
-In meetings, are inclined to follow the agenda
-Good at remembering and working with a great number of facts

(N) Intuition
-Look at the big picture and tries to grasp the essential patterns
-See new possibilities and new ways of doing things
-Like solving new complex problems
-Enjoy learning a new skill और than using it
-May follow their inspiration, good या bad
-Prefer change, sometimes radical, to continuation of what is
-Usually proceed in bursts of energy
-Like global schemes, with broad issues presented first
-Want possible future challenges discussed
-Rely on insights and imagination to provoke discussion
-Like suggestions to be novel and unusual
-Refer to a general concept
-In meetings, are inclined to use the agenda as a starting point
-Value imagination and inspiration

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link, link, link, link, link, link, link, link, link, link

(T) Thinking
-Predict the logical consequences of any particular choice या action
-Decide objectively, on the basis of cause and effect, and make decisions द्वारा analyzing and weighing the evidence, even including the unpleasant facts
-Seek an objective standard of truth
-use logical analysis to reach conclusions
-Can work without harmony
-May hurt people's feelings without knowing it
-Tend to decide impersonally, sometimes paying insufficient attention to people's wishes
-Tend to be firm-minded and can give criticism when appropriate
-Look at the principles invovled in the situation
-Feel rewarded when job is done well
-Prefer to be brief and concise
-Want the pros and cons of each alternative to be listed
-Can be intellectually critical and objective
-Convinced द्वारा cool, impersonal reasoning
-Present goals and objectives first
-Consider emotions and feelings as data to weigh
-In meetings, seek involvement with tasks

(F) Feeling
-Consider what is important to आप या to other people and decide on the basis of person-centered values
-When making a decision for yourself, आप ask how much आप care, या how much personal investment आप have, for each of the alternatives
-Like dealing with people and tend to become sympathetic, appreciative, and tactful
-Use values to reach conclusions
-owkr best in harmony with others
-Enjoy pleasing people, even in unimportant things
-Often let decisions be influenced द्वारा their own and other people's likes and dislikes
-Tened to be sympathetic and dislike, even avoid, telling people unpleasant things
-Look at the underlying values in the situation
-Feel rewarded when people's needs are met
-Prefer to be sociable and friendly
-Want to know why an alternative is valuable and how it effects people
-Can be interpersonally appreciative
-Convinced द्वारा personal information, enthusiastically delivered
-Present logic and objectively as data to value
-In meetings, seek involvement with people

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link, link, link, link, link, link, link, link, link, link

(J) Judgment
-Tend to live in a planned, orderly way, wanting to regulate life and control it
-Work best when they can plan their work and follow their plan
-Like to get things settled and finished
-May not notice new things that need to be done
-Tend to be satisfied once they reach a decision on a thing, situation, या person
-Reach closure द्वारा deciding quickly
-Seek structure and schedules
-Use lists to prompt action on specific tasks
-Want to discuss schedules and timetables with tight deadlines
-Dislike surprises and want advance warning
-Expect others to follow through, and count on it
-State their positions and decisison clearly
-Communicate results and achievements
-Talk of purpose and direction
-In meetings, focus on the task to be done

(P) Perception
-Like to live in a flexible, spontaneous way
-Seek to understand life rather than control it
-Prefer to stay open to experience, enjoying and trusting their ability to adapt to the moment
-Like to leave things open for last-minute changes
-May postpone unpleasant tasks that need to be done
-Tend to be curious and welcome a new light on a thing, situation, या person
-Postpone decisions while searching for options
-Adapt well to changing situations and feel restricted without change
-Use lists to remind of all the things they have to do someday
-Willing to discuss the schedule but are uncomfortable with tight deadlines
-Enjoy surprises and like adapting to last-minute changes
-Expect others to adapt to situational requirements
-Present their देखा गया as tentative and modifiable
-Communicate options and opportunities
-Talk of autonomy and flexibility
-In meetings, focus on the process to be appreciated

Effects of the combination of all four preferences

"God, help me to begin RELAXING about the little detail tomorrow at 11:41.32 A.M."
-Thorough, painstaking, systematic, hard-working, and careful with detail
-Serious, quiet, earn success द्वारा concentration and thoroughness
-Practical, orderly, matter-of-fact, realistic, and dependable
-See to it that everything is well organized
-Take responsibility
-Decide logically what should be done and work toward it steadily, regardless of protests या distractions
-Take pleasure in making everything orderly and organized – their work, their home, their life
-Value traditions and loyalty
-When they give their word, they give their honour; though of dishonouring a contract would be appalling

"Lord, help me to be और laid back and help me to do it exactly RIGHT!"
-Sympathetic, loyal, considerate, kind, and will go to any amount of trouble to help those in need of support
-Quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious
-Committed and steady in meeting their obligations
-Thorough, painstaking, and accurate
-Loyal, considerate, notice and remember specifics about people who are important to them, concerned with how others feel
-Strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home
-May need time to master technical subjects, as their interests are not often technical
-Patient with detail and routine
-Carry a sense of history, a sense of continuity with past events and relationships
-Procedures dictated द्वारा handbooks are law; if others violate या ignore these standard operating procedures, they are annoyed and irritated, although may not always display this reaction
-Believe work is good, play must be earned

"Lord help me not to be a perfectionist. (Did I spell that right?)"
-Trust their own vision, quietly exert influence, have deeply felt compassion, are insightful, and seek harmony
-Succeed द्वारा perseverance, originality, and desire to do whatever is needed या wanted
-Put their best efforts into their work
-Seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions
-Want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others
-Quietly forceful, conscientious, concerned for others
-Respected for their firm principles
-Likely to be honoured and followed for their clear convictions about how best to serve the common good
-Organized and decisive in implementing their vision
-Focus on possibilities, think in terms of values and comes easily to decisions
-Demonstrate an ability to understand psychic phenomenon better than most others
-Have strong empathic abilities and can be aware of another's emotions या intents even before that person is conscious of these

"Lord, keep me open to others' ideas WRONG though they may be!"
-Independent, individualistic, single-minded, and determined individuals who trust their vision of possibilities regardless of universal skepticism; often stubborn
-Have original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals
-In fields that appeal to them, they have fine power to organize a job and carry it through with या without help
-Quickly see patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives
-Have high standards of competence and performance – for themselves and others
-Must learn to yield less important points in order to win the most important
-Once a decision is made, feel at ease
-Look to the future rather than the past
-Not likely to succumb to the magic of slogans, watchwords, या shibboleths

"God, help me to consider people's feelings even if most of them ARE hypersensitive!"
-Adept at managing situations, aware of facts, expedient, realistic, and और likely to be convinced द्वारा anything but reasoning
-Cool onlookers, quiet, reserved, observing and analyzing life with detached curiosity and unexpected flashes of original homour
-Tolerant and flexible, quiet observers until a problem appears, then act quickly to find workable solutions
-Analyze what makes things work and readily get through large amounts of data to isolate the core of practical problems
-Interested in cause and effect, या how and why mechanical things work
-Organize facts using logical principles
-Exert themselves no और than they think necessary, because any waste of energy would be inefficient
-Are egalitarian and can be fiercely loyal to "brothers" but can also be fiercely insubordinate, seeing hierarchy and authority as unnecessary and even superfluous
-Often fearless, thrive on excitement

"Lord, help me to stand up for my RIGHTS! (if आप don't mind my asking)"
-Gentle, considerate, compassionate toward those less fortunate, and have an open-minded flexible approach
-Quiet, friendly, sensitive, kind, modest about their abilities
-May be rather relaxed about assignments या getting things done because they enjoy the present moment, what’s going on around them
-Like to have their own अंतरिक्ष and to work within their own time frame
-Usually do not care to lead, but are often loyal and committed to their values and to people who are important to them
-Dislike disagreements and conflicts, do not force their opinions या values on others

"Lord, help me to finish everything I sta"
-Open-minded, idealistic, insightful, and flexible individuals who want their work to contribute to something that matters
-Full of enthusiasm and loyalties, but seldom talk about these until they know आप well
-Idealistic, loyal to their values and to people who are important to them
-Care about learning, ideas, language, and independent projects of their own
-Want an external life that is congruent with their values
-Tend to undertake too much, then somehow get it done
-Curious, quick to see possibilities, can be catalysts for implementing ideas
-Seek to understand people and to help them fulfill their potential
-Adaptable, flexible, and accepting unless a value is threatened
-Friendly, but often too absorbed in what they are doing to be sociable to notice much
-Have a profound sense of honour derived from internal values
-Willing to make unusual sacrifices for someone या something they believe in

"Lord, help me be less independent, but let me do it MY way."
-Rational, curious, theoretical, abstract, and prefer to organize ideas rather than situations या people
-Quiet, reserved, flexible, and adaptable
-Brilliant in exams, especially in theoretical या scientific subjects
-Seek to develop logical explanations for everything that interests them
-Theoretical and abstract, interested और in ideas than in social interaction
-Have unusual ability to focus in depth to solve problems in their area of interest
-Skeptical, sometimes critical, always analytical
-Interested mainly in ideas, with little liking for parties या small talk
-Tend to see distinctions and inconsistencies in thought and language instantaneously

"God, help me to take RESPONSIBILITY for my own actions even though they're usually NOT my fault!"
-Action-oriented, resourceful, and realistic individuals who prefer to take the most efficient route
-Flexible and tolerant, they take a pragmatic approach focused on immediate results
-Matter-of-fact, do not worry या hurry, enjoy whatever comes along
-Theories and conceptual explanations bore them – they want to act energetically to solve the problem
-Focus on the here-and-now, spontaneous, enjoy each moment that they can be active with others
-Tend to like mechanical things and sports, with फ्रेंड्स on the side
-May be a bit blunt या insensitive
-Dislike long explanations
-Enjoy material comforts and style
-Learn best through doing
-Are best with real things that can be worked, handled, taken apart या put back together
-Are master manipulators of the external environment

"God, help me to take things और seriously especially PARTIES & DANCING!"
-Outgoing, friendly, fun-loving, likeable, easy-going, accepting, and naturally drawn towards people
-Exuberant प्रेमी of life, people, and material comforts
-Enjoy working with others to make things happen
-Like sports and making things
-Know what's going on and शामिल होइए in eagerly
-Find remembering facts easier than mastering theories
-Bring common sense and a realistic approach to their work, and make work fun
-Flexible and spontaneous, adapt readily to new people and environments
-Learn best द्वारा trying a new skill with other people
-Avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible
-Love excitement and create it wherever they are

"God, help me keep my mind on one th -Look! A Bird! -ing at a time."
-Enthusiastic, high-spirited, insightful, innovative, versatile, see life as full of possibilities
-Able to do almost anything that interests them
-Make connections between events and information very quickly, and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see
-Want a lot of affirmation from others, and readily give appreciation and support
-Spontaneous and flexible, often rely on their ability to improvise instead of preparing in advance
-Quick with a solution for any difficulty and ready to help anyone with a problem
-Can always find compelling reasons for whatever they want
-Have great influence because of their extraordinary impact on others

"God, help me follow established procedures today. On सेकंड thought I'll settle for a few minutes."
-Innovative, individualistic, versatile, analytical, and attracted to entrepreneurial ideas
-Quick, ingenious, stimulating, alert, and outspoken, argue for fun on either side of a question
-Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems
-Adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analyzing them strategically
-Good at पढ़ना other people
-Bored द्वारा routine, will seldom do the same thing the same way, apt to turn to one new interest after another
-Turn to one new interest after another
-Can always find logical reasons for whatever they want
-Delighted over many things and so is easy to please
-Always on the lookout for new projects, new activities, new procedures

"God, help me to not try to RUN everything. But, if आप need some help, just ask!"
-Logical, analytical, and tough-minded and are able to organize facts and operations well in advance, responsible
-Practical, realistic, matter-of-fact; with a natural head for business या mechanics
-Decisive, quickly हटाइए to implement decisions
-Organize projects and people to get things done, focus on getting results in the most efficient way possible
-Not interested in subjects they see no use for, but can apply themselves when necessary
-Take care of routine details
-Have a clear set of logical standards, systematically follow them and want others to also
-Forceful in implementing their plans
-Like to organize and run activities
-Tend to run things well, especially if they remember to consider other people's feelings and points of view when making their decisions
-Outstanding at organizing orderly procedures and in detailing rules and regulations
-Like to see things done correctly

-Helpful, tactful, compassionate, orderly, and place a high value on harmonious human interaction
-Warm-hearted, talkative, popular, conscientious, cooperative, active committee members
-Always doing something nice for someone
-Work best with plenty of encouragement and praise
-Little interest in abstract thinking या technical subjects
-Main interest is in things that directly and visible affect people's lives
-Want harmony in their environment, work with determination to establish it
-Like to work with others to complete tasks accurately and on time
-Loyal, follow through even in small matters
-Notice what others need in their day-by-day lives and try to provide it
-Want to be appreciated for who they are and for what they contribute

"God, help me to do only what I can and trust आप for the rest. Do आप mind putting that in writing?"
-Interpersonally adept, understanding, tolerant, appreciative, and facilitators of good communication
-Warm, empathetic, responsive, and responsible
-Responsive and responsible
-Highly attuned to the emotions, needs, and motivations of others
-Find potential in everyone, want to help others fulfill their potential
-May act as catalysts for individual and group growth
-Loyal, responsive to praise and criticism
-Sociable, popular, active in school affairs, but put enough time on their studies to do well
-Can present a proposal या lead a group discussion with ease and tact
-Feel real concern for what others think and want, and try to handle things due regard for other people's feelings
-Communicates caring, concern and a willingness to become involved

"God, help me to SLOW downandnotrushthroughwhatIdoAmen."
-Logical, organized, structured, objective, and decisive about what they view as conceptually valid
-Hearty, frank, able in studies, assume leadership readily
-Quickly see illogical and inefficient procedures and policies, develop and implement comprehensive systems to solve organizational problems
-Enjoy long-term planning and goal setting
-Usually well informed, well read, enjoy expanding their knowledge and passing it on to others
-Forceful in presenting their ideas
-Usually good anything that requires reasoning and intelligent talk, such as public speaking
-Are well-informed and keep adding to their fund of knowledge
-May sometimes be और positive and confident than their experience in an area warrants
हेतालिया Axis Powers
Hetalia World Series
Hetalia Beautiful World
Hetalia World Twinkle
Naruto Shippuden
Attack on Titan
My Hero Academia
Food Wars
Code Geass
Sweetness and Lightning
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Zombie Land Saga
Guilty Crown
Cowboy Bebop
Tokyo Ghoul
No Game No Life
The Devil's is a part Timer
Kamisama Kiss
My Little Monster
Ouran High School Host Club
Soul Eater
Death Note
Vampire Knight
Blue Excoist
Sword Art Online
Darling in the Franxx
Death Parade
The Saga of Tanya the Evil
Is it Wrong to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon?
KonoSuba; God's Blessing...
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 Elijah Jones, Kinlee And Elijah Trend Long Overdue
Elijah Jones, Kinlee And Elijah Trend Long Overdue
The Kinlee and Elijah trend long overdue hasn't made such an outbreak in the साल 2019. The trend died down early 2018 after Jones's "Forgive To Forget" album released back in early 2017. Soon after Jones promoted its twin album "Brave Enough" द्वारा Lindsey Stirling, released in the third trimester of 2016.

Currently, Jones hasn't announced new album updates. Much द्वारा which he hasn't hardly कहा anything since releasing his third and final book "The Entwine Series: Entrap" back in July 2018. With little information we can only wildly guess whether या not his अगला supposedly album will spark the...
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added by GDragon612
 Not all boys are visceral, but all are elegant and considerative in some way. - Featured: होल्ली, होली Wood Leading Man, Junior Garett Hedlund
Not all boys are visceral, but all are elegant and considerative in some way. - Featured: Holly Wood Leading Man, Junior Garett Hedlund
1.Only select of us boys will ever be sculpted.

2.You can प्यार any boy, as every boy can प्यार reciprocally.

3.There is a range of us boys; some of us face life incarceration, some of us like Ludwig Wittgenstein went about Aerodynamic Engineering, then Philosophy.

4.Any boy can "'go religion" if his soul is a bit chipped या broken.

5.We like girls that talk smooth, especially the girls who can tie if off with respect.

6.We will act like boys, if the circumstance requires us to only act as so.

7.We know that a relation between us will keep developing a relation.

8.We do not have our own house ready...
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added by 8theGreat
 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

SeanTheHedgehog: *Sitting at a तालिका, टेबल in front of a laptop* Twas a long time ago, longer now than it seems, when a movie called The Nightmare Before क्रिस्मस was released. And then twenty three years later, Overwatch was created. If आप haven't seen a combination of Overwatch with The Nightmare Before Christmas, I'd say it's time आप begin now.

Song (Start at 1:19): link


A scare कौआ, कौवा spins around clockwise as the wind blows. We are on the Hollywood map, decked out in हैलोवीन decor.

Reapers: *Singing*...
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This movie series has been और या less forgotten over time.. Probably only remembered because of Nostaglia Critics review.

[Ghost Rider टट्टू video]

Anyway.. Lets start with the "bear suit" हाथी of the room.. Cage..

I grew up with the Natural Treasure movies. Which is basically like Mission Impossible.. So I never knew Nick as the "crazy lunatic" I know him as now.. I actually thought he was a ligitimentally good actor.. Even in Con Air..
When I got old I saw the other side of him.. I think Ghost Rider 2 was my first view of it. Cage was clearly having WAY to much fun.

Anyway.. Not sure...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Narrator: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards द्वारा an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*
Narrator: Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil.
Blossom: *Flies through the sky*
Bubbles: *Flying to the right of Blossom*
Buttercup: *Flying to the left of...
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 Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go.
Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go.
Terra Strong voice actor/actress who played Raven कहा that the company will bring back Teen Titans Original for a season 6. But a catch is people have to support Teen Titans Go Movie. Meaning it has to do well in the Movie theaters. या no original Teen Titans season 6 will not happen. Terra Strong कहा that is what the company told her. So support Teen Titans Go to the फिल्में in the Movie theater. I don't see why people wanna hate on Teen Titans Go. I was at Bookman's store before looking at the comics. And they had Teen Titans शिशु comics. When they were babies. And comics called Titans...
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क्वीन Heenim is a member of Fanpop. She's a big प्रशंसक of Maruko. She's a writer on a website named Wattpad.

क्वीन Heenim is a great friend. She's always been very polite, sweet, and a good person. She knows how to make her फ्रेंड्स happier when they're not in that great of a mood. She cares a lot about her फ्रेंड्स and she works really hard to help them out.

Her लेखाए and Haikus are really good. They have a lot of emotion in them. Her लेखाए and Haikus have a special feeling of care and sweetness. It's a treat to read her work. I recommend her लेखाए and Haikus.

Thank आप क्वीन Heenim for being a wonderful person, friend, writer, and फैन्पॉप member. It's an honor to be one of your friends.
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Narrator: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards द्वारा an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*
Narrator: Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil.
Blossom: *Flies through the sky*
Bubbles: *Flying to the right of Blossom*
Buttercup: *Flying to the left of...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Narrator: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards द्वारा an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*
Narrator: Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil.
Blossom: *Flies through the sky*
Bubbles: *Flying to the right of Blossom*
Buttercup: *Flying to the left of...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Narrator: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards द्वारा an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*
Narrator: Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil.
Blossom: *Flies through the sky*
Bubbles: *Flying to the right of Blossom*
Buttercup: *Flying to the left of...
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posted by Canada24
Oh god.. Oh god...

I grew up with this movie.. As a kid I thought, this wasn't "that" bad... BOOOY was I wrong..

Early on we get Seans death द्वारा शार्क attack.. Well, a shaky camera IMPLYING a शार्क attack.. All while his screams are drowned द्वारा the क्रिस्मस singers.. I know this cause they switch back to the singers it at least 12 fucking times in the whole sequence..

I swear to god, this movie is just depressing as hell.. Not scary.. And Ellen, Martins wife believes the शार्क was WAITING for Sean.. It came for him because of what Martin did to its buddies..

(Dr. Elkins: Sharks don't take things...
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(Just a heads up for anyone who doesn't take nicely to curse words, they दिखाना up in this article. So, viewer discretion advised. Though it is discernibly less profane than most of my other work.)

Hidelly ho, neighborinos! Surprise surprise, I'm not actually dead.

Well, at least not yet anyway. Have I jinxed myself before this लेख has even started...?

Quite possibly, Jared. आप fucking idiot.

Anyway, since I've got some ideas and motivation up my sleeve, I decided to write a song for ya'll. I'm sure the शीर्षक alone will win myself a million Grammies.

And when I say that, I'm not referring to...
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1. Which would आप read right now ?
A. Harry Potter!
B. Matilda
C. Captain Underpants.

2. You're at the mall and see a sale on 2 stores. Which do आप go to?
A. Bookshop, duh.
B. Clothes store!
C. None, as I would go to McDonalds instead.

3. आप buy a Fidget Spinner! Which colour do आप buy?
A. Blue.
B. Pink.
C. सोना Batarang.

4. Who is better?
A. R2-D2.
B. BB8,cause he is 100% cute.
C. C3PO.

5. What do आप watchafter school/work?
A. Eggheads या a game दिखाना like that.
B. Simpsons ! Yay!
C. A soap drama या other.

6. Ok, last question: did आप like this quiz?
A. Yeah, it was cool.
B. YEAH! Can I do another?
C. What...
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Note: This is just my thoughts. Don't take them personality, फ्रोज़न fans. I just don't like it that much so take this सूची with a pinch of salt.

Frozen is one of the most much-loved film of all time . I'm sure it heard Let It Go. I used to be a प्रशंसक but now, I don't
Know why it's so famous. This storyline is so easy and simple, the songs are ear worms ( but not so bad) and well, the story was over after the movie, nothing else can happen!

( Now I have nothing against Frozen. It's good and I like Anna so no haters)

The wasted talent and cash ( that they could have used for फ्रोज़न 2) and made two...
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Song tune: link

They're scary, they're spooky,
And ugly, morbid, kooky,
More frightening than Hooky,
They'll scare your jinkies out,
They're horror dispensers,
Their spookies just get denser,
They're Halloweenie monsters,
And they'll make आप wave and pout,

So here is the graveyard, it's the monsters' world apart,
Their spooky home,
That has some bones,
October's work of art,

The decs are almost ready,
So hurry up from Freddy,
They're Halloweenie monsters,
And they'll do their part,

They're stiffy, they're bony,
A pair of Skele-tonies,
Count Dracula's not lonely,
'Cause he sucks the people's blood,
A werewolf and...
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I did one of these for both Symphonic Metal and के पॉप and wanted to सूची of my चोटी, शीर्ष 100 Jrock songs as well. There were so many great ones that the honorable mentions सूची is also pretty big. I tried not to do too many songs from the same band so a lot of songs I like aren't even on here.

1. Dazzle Vision - सेकंड
2. Nega - Guilt Trip
3. Dir En Grey - Obscure
4.Blood Stain Child - Freedom
5. Miyavi - Steal The Sun
6. Miyavi - Long Nights
7. The Gazette - Leech
8. Dir En Grey - Different Sense
9. Miyavi - Jibun Kakumei
10. Miyavi - Mama Papa Nozomarenu Baby
11. Borns - Radical Hysteria
12. Blood Stain Child...
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