माइ लिट्ल पोनी फ्रेंडशिप ईज़ मॅजिक Club
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Saten Twist was with Tom, and Master Sword.

Tom: Well, we're glad you're feeling better.
Saten Twist: Thanks आप guys.
Master Sword: What caused आप to feel sick anyway?
Saten Twist: Being too far away from my chainsaw.
Audience: *Laughing*

Just then, Sunny, and Heartsong arrived in a time machine.

Sunny: Hey, check this out!
Tom: Where did आप find that?
Heartsong: The junkyard. The owner कहा it didn't work.
Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: He must've been one stupid owner.
Sunny: या he just didn't want a time machine. So we took it off his hooves for him.
Tom: So where do आप plan to go with that thing?
Heartsong: 1966! *Hits button*

Everypony appeared अगला to each other.

Snow Wonder: How did this happen?
Heartsong: I pushed a button.
Tom: She wants to know how we all ended up here!
Audience: *Laughing*
Heartsong: I know.
Annie: There's only one thing I can think of for us to do in this situation.
Master Sword: Go back to the साल 2014?
Annie: No! Go to different places, and dance to music!
Audience: *Laughing*

Song: link

Heartsong: *Dancing in a building*
Snow Wonder: *Dancing at a park*
Saten Twist: *Dancing in the middle of an intersection* I don't care if I die!
Audience: *Laughing*
Aina: *Dancing on चोटी, शीर्ष of a train*
Train Ponies: *Dancing on the ground द्वारा the train*
Annie: *Dancing at Alcatraz*
Blaze: *Dancing on the beach* Why are we dancing in so many different places?!
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: *Dancing in front of Sugarcube Corner*
Mortomis: *Dancing on Manehattan Bridge* How come he's in Ponyville, and I'm in Manehattan?
Audience: *Laughing*
Saten Twist: *Dances at the intersection*
Ponies: *Passing द्वारा in cars*
Astrel Sky: *Dancing on चोटी, शीर्ष of a pyramid* How am I going to get down?
Audience: *Laughing*
Sophie Shimmer: *Dancing in London* हे british ponies, who wants to dance with me?
British Ponies: *Dancing with Sophie Shimmer*
Sophie Shimmer: *Continues dancing* Bloody hell. There's a lot of ponies here.
Audience: *Laughing*
Blaze: *Dancing in Miami*
Master Sword: *Dancing in Las Pegasus*
टट्टू in car: Queer! *Drives away*
Master Sword: And I प्यार आप too.
Audience: *Laughing*
Pleiades: *Dancing at an airport*
Pilot: *Crashes a plane in a building behind Pleiades*
Pleiades: *Continues dancing*
Audience: *Laughing*
Double Scoop: *Dancing द्वारा an ice cream store* Come on, आप knew I was gonna end up here.
Audience: *Laughing*
Aina: *Dancing on train. She feels it slowly moving* Is it moving? Should I get off?
Director: Stay on there, या you're fired.
Audience: *Laughing*
Saten Twist: *Still dancing at the intersection, and sees a cement truck pass him* They had those back then?!
Audience: *Laughing*
Pleiades: *Dancing at the airport*
Ponies: *Running from building on fire*
Pleiades: Nopony wants to dance with me? Oh well.
Audience: *Laughing*
Heartsong: Okay, that's enough. *Goes to time machine, and goes back to 2014*

Everypony ended up back on the block with Heartsong.

Tom: Seriously. How do आप end up having us end up where आप go in that thing, when we're no where near you?
Audience: *Laughing*
Heartsong: Luck I guess.
Master Sword: And that's all the time we have for now. I'm Master Sword.
Tom: And I'm Tom Foolery.
Master Sword: See आप in the अगला episode of.
Everypony: On The Block!
Audience: *Clapping*

The End
 Saten Twist danced at this intersection
Saten Twist danced at this intersection
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: गूगल तस्वीरें
added by Hairity
added by The_Exorcist
Source: My कुत्ते का बच्चा, पिल्ला Olli
added by tinkerbell66799
Source: Original Owners
added by shadirby
Source: NOT ME
added by P-Cadance
added by shadirby
Source: rightful owners
added by Fearlessdude88
Source: http://memebase.cheezburger.com/bronies?OnoBetaOptInRedirect=true
added by shadirby
Source: Original Owners
added by Metallica1147
added by shadirby
Source: Original Owners AKA NOT ME
added by bobbyazsx
added by StarWarsFan7
Source: Rightful Owners
posted by Seanthehedgehog
 Gordon and Hawkeye go up Sherman पहाड़ी, हिल
Gordon and Hawkeye go up Sherman Hill
The train went up Sherman Hill, and Gordon was shoveling coal

Gordon: Hey, if आप let me drive this train, I will be the happiest टट्टू ever.
Hawkeye: *flicks Gordon*
Gordon: dadlhbndfgonlkesjgkodsfgbvdfljkgzx! YOU. Leave this train right now! If you're going to torturize me, then get off this train
Hawkeye: *flicks Gordon*
Gordon: Yoyoyoyo! Now, you're making me mad! Get the hell off this train.
Hawkeye: Nah, I kinda like it in here. We're not even halfway up, why have आप stopped shoveling?
Gordon: Because that's what आप should be doing.
Hawkeye: Says the one with the shovel.
Gordon: Fine! *shovels...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Seanthehedgehog presents.

A story that takes place in San Franciscolt.

Dirty Harry.

It was a wonderful, and sunny दिन when a टट्टू with a sniper राइफल was looking at a mare swimming. The टट्टू with the राइफल was named Scorpio, and he was an assassin. The mare swimming was at the चोटी, शीर्ष of a huge building, and Scorpio was going to do whatever he could to kill this mare. Why? Because he's evil.

With one shot, the mare was killed. Blood came out of her body, and into the swimming pool looking like red paint being washed off a brush.

Half an घंटा later, a टट्टू was walking. This टट्टू was known as Harry...
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 Robin हुड, डाकू
Robin Hood
This may sound like the story of a person that robbed the rich, and fed the poor. Your wrong. It's the story of a pony that robbed the rich to feed the poor.

It all started when Robin हुड, डाकू was walking through the forest with his best friend, and partner Little John. The two always had each other's backs, but when they were walking somepony spotted them, the sheriff.

The sheriff ordered four police officers to attack them. These two were wanted dead, या alive. The two ponies that were being shot at saw a shed to hide in, and they went in it. The police लॉस्ट them, and went somewhere else.

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posted by Canada24

Rainbow dash was still sleeping peacefully when suddenly she was gently woken up.

"Dashie, wake up, we're here" Twilight कहा quitely.

"Huh? What?" the colorful Pegasus groaned, barelly awake.

"We arrived at UK" Twilight said, still speaking softly to her sleepy friend.

"Oh.. Right" इंद्रधनुष said, remembering why he and Twilight were in the hot air balloon, and so the cyan Pegasus stretched as she began getting up from her lovely nap.

"Come on now, इंद्रधनुष Dash, let's hurry" Twilight said, jumping out of the large गुलाबी balloon basket.


"Coming, coming" the Pegasus groaned. But unfortantly...
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