Morgana Club
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Parts of this appeared on other boards but were written द्वारा me and the original appears in the Gaius forum...

Gaius: "It seems you're a hero."

Merlin: "Hard to believe, isn't it?"

(From the ड्रॅगन्स Call)

Well, that wasn’t hard to believe but I know this is going to be hard to believe: Morgana has been following the Hero(ine)'s Journey. Had the writers ended that Journey at S04E12, she would be the "failed hero" for having taken on many of the characteristics of a villain. Indeed, she was the villain. But, if the writers wanted, Morgana could easily gain redemption द्वारा transitioning into a hero. I'm a प्रशंसक of the Hero Archetype method of story telling. The writers would just have to let her complete her Heroine's Journey so she becomes Morgana the Healer द्वारा fulfilling her destiny of returning the Old Religion to the Land through the acceptance of its practices द्वारा Arthur and the other kingdoms which will comprise Albion.

Unlike a lot of other fans, I don't see Morgana as THE ENEMY. She is an enemy to Merlin and Arthur because she's been misled since दिन 1. She was told she was the king’s ward when she was actually his daughter, she been raised to believe magic was evil but those without magic committed acts just as bad, and she was led to turn away from those who could help her because of fear. And, her fears and insecurities led to her hatred of herself and those she loved.

But, I don’t sympathize with Morgana. Perhaps, a better explanation for her claim to the सिंहासन of Camelot other than she's Uther's daughter and eldest child which even क्वीन Annis looked upon skeptically would garner और support for her position. But, दिया the way she was in the first two Seasons, it wouldn't surprise me if there was someone controlling events, some one या thing that manipulated her into becoming the way she is now, something who used Morgana.

To be sure, Morgause influenced her sister immensely but perhaps there was another hand that stirred the straw in that drink where Morgana has become an enemy and a villain of Merlin and Arthur but she's not the ENEMY, the NEMESIS. As Thomas Henry Huxley essayed that opponent is: “the player on the other side.”

"Suppose it were perfectly certain that the life and fortune of every one of us would one दिन या other depend upon his winning या losing a game of chess. Don't आप think that we should all consider it to be a primary duty to learn at least the names and the moves of the pieces; to have a notion of a gambit and a keen eye for all the means of giving and getting out of check? Do आप not think that we should look with a disapprobation amounting to scorn upon the father who allowed his son, या the State which allowed its members, to grow up without knowing a pawn from a knight? Now, it is a very plain and elementary truth that the life, the fortune and the happiness of every one of us, and, और या less, of those who are connected with us, do depend upon our knowing something of the rules of a game infinitely और difficult and complicated than chess. It is a game which has been played for untold ages, every man and woman of us being one of the two players in a game of his या her own. The chess board is the world, the pieces the phenomena of the universe, the rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. All we know is that his play is always fair, just and patient. But, also, that he never overlooks a mistake या makes the smallest allowance for ignorance. To the man who plays well the highest stakes are paid with that sort of overflowing generosity with which the strong shows delight in strength. And one who plays ill is checkmated without haste, but without remorse…”

That is the SHADOW of story and myth या as we are और familiar from Buffy the Vampire Slayer: THE BIG BAD. And, I don’t see Morgana as this.

Instead, Morgana is a Heroine who might fail in her Journey. For her to be redeemed, she needs to finish that Journey.


Morgana has been on a Heroine’s Journey and become a villain (see the various types here: link
And through the S01 to 04, Morgana has been the psychopath, the fanatic, the traitor, the sneak, the knave, the assassin and a false hero (I don’t think I left anything out but let me know if I did). That’s quite a lot of badness there but never has she been the Nemesis. For all her attributes, Morgana has never been the exact opposite of the Hero(es) trying to beat them at their own game, she was never a prodigy like Merlin या a inspiration to her people like Arthur though she tried to be their savior (see the various hero types: link heroic_characters.htm ) For that reason in typical literary fashion, unless she dies in the story she could gain redemption if she can undergo a quest. And, Morgana had been in Season 01 to 03 and can be again a questing hero (see here for hero types that go on quests: link ).

However, Morgana must transcend the ease and comfort of the victim mentality of blaming Uther that her advisers have promulgated. She must abandon this and reassess her purpose, recognize her weaknesses, confront these, and defeat them to gain that redemption. Because for her to be redeemed, there will be a time of reckoning and she will have a price to pay.


You’ll find the original here: link

As for a Morgana redemption arc? She might not need one if the writers let her complete her Heroine’s Journey. If the writers wanted, it would be relatively easy to do. After experiencing a physical death, मॉर्गन should now experience a spiritual one.

When she does she can resume a Heroine's Journey that's been occurring since Season 1 Ep. 1. If any feminist read this, this can be found here: link and link and this was taken from Psychology for Screenwriters द्वारा William Indick which was distilled from The Heroine's Journey द्वारा Maureen Murdock using feminist anthropological interpretations of primitive societies including the works and theories of Margaret Meade. And for my own sanity, I’ll use Hero with a male pronoun (his) and Heroine with a female one (her).

The Murdock work in turn was a response to the work of her former teacher, The Hero’s Journey द्वारा Joseph Campbell, under the premise that all societies shared basic, fundamental notions called Archetypes which could be outlined in stages दिखा रहा है that across all cultures the same story was told through the mask of that culture making “universal truths” accessible to that society. However, where the Hero’s Journey involved obtaining the boon (the purpose of the quest, like the Cup of Life) using the masculine aspects of personality (Animus), the Heroine’s Journey involved using the feminine aspects of personality (Anima) and realizing that the boon of the Hero was often illusory because the actual purpose of the Myth was a reconciliation between the Animus and Anima. As Campbell noted, the inherent value of a Myth was to reaffirm the principle of restoration, and rejuvenation: resurrection.

It is important to remember that: 1) the Stages in either the Hero’s या Heroine’s Journey can occur either literally (concretely) या figuratively (abstractly); 2) the Hero could be either male (like Merlin/Arthur) या female (like Lara Croft) in this journey; and 3) the protagonist in the Heroine’s Journey could be a female (like Erin Brockavich) या male (like Daniel Kaffee in A FEW GOOD MEN). Finally as Indick pointed out the Hero’s Journey was all about achieving legendary status after death while the Heroine's journey was about achieving psychological stability during life.

The Hero’s Journey

Stage 1: Departure: The hero is called to adventure, although he is reluctant to accept. (Season 1)
Stage 2: Initiation: The hero crosses a threshold into a new, और dangerous world, gaining a और mature perspective. (Season 2)
Stage 3: The Road of Trials: The hero is दिया सूपरनॅचुरल aid, endures tests of strength, resourcefulness, and endurance. (Season 3)
Stage 4: The Innermost Cave: The hero faces a great trial. It is a period of undoing, and change. Because of this trial, the hero is reborn in some way—
physically, emotionally, या spiritually. Through this experience, the hero changes internally. (Season 4)
Stage 5: Return and Reintegration with Society: The hero uses his new wisdom to restore the land of Albion (Season 5?)

The Heroine’s Journey

Stage 1: SEPARATION FROM THE FEMININE: The rejection of typically female values, the Mother Goddess, and female archetype. (Beginning in Season 1 Episode 1, during her refusal to शामिल होइए the celebration and later challenging Uther in To Kill the King)

Stage 2: IDENTIFICATION WITH THE MASCULINE & GATHERING OF ALLIES: The heroine finds a Mentor (the wise old man) to guide her through the male dominated world who initiates her into her new realm या masculine combat या contests. (Seen as early as Season 1 on meeting Merlin, Mordred, the Druids).

Stage 3: ROAD OF TRIALS, MEETING OGRES & ड्रॅगन्स & FALSE KNIGHTS : A series of trials in which she must integrate the masculine qualities needed to complete her quest द्वारा internalizing traditionally male strengths and slaying of male monster archetypes:

# Two-headed Dragon of Dependency - conflicting needs of her endeavor and family must be 'slain' through finding a balance between them. (Initially, the Druids and her place in Camelot; later, her desire for the सिंहासन and her familial loyalty to Arthur and Uther; personified as Morgause)
# Ogre, the Tyrant of Inferiority - The inner tyrant of 'success at all costs' must be won over while also the outer tyrant must be defeated (the corporation, the system, injustice) there is no point in doing one without the other - again the art of balance is stressed. (Uther)
# Knight in shining Armour - The illusion of the person who will solve all her problems must be seen through and dispatched; otherwise, she returns to being a maiden in distress (Morgause and Cenred, later Agravaine, Helios)

Stage 4: FINDING THE ILLUSORY BOON OF SUCCESS: At the highpoint of her struggle she may feel like she has won it all द्वारा becoming क्वीन of Camelot but she learns that it is easier to judge how to rule than to actually rule. Morgana obtains her goal of her quest but this is illusory because this alone does not return the old religion and make the land सुरक्षित for magic. Instead, she is hated and it seems so is magic. (The Coming of Arthur in S03 and the Sword in the Stone in S04)


In the end, Morgana dies but is saved द्वारा Aithusa (the Light of Day) because her Journey is not yet done. Interestingly enough, for Albion to be born, Morgana is as important as Merlin या Arthur because only she has access to the unknown Nemesis who is manipulating events to form a competing version of a land where magic has returned. And, this version of Albion must be stopped because Morgana has found her boon of success (the सिंहासन of Camelot as the impetus for the return of magic) to be a fraud. Upon reflection and introspection, she should सवाल her purpose and goals. Once her mission has been reaffirmed, she would perform her quest with renewed vigor द्वारा seeking the way to achieve the true boon of the quest which Acceptance of Magic in the Land.



Fitting all of that into an episode we'd outline it as follows: Stage 1: Departure: Morgana is called to adventure though she might be reluctant. Stage 2: Initiation: Morgana crosses a threshold into a new, और dangerous world, gaining a और mature perspective. Stage 3: The Road of Trials: Morgana with Merlin’s aid (or other सूपरनॅचुरल guide) endures tests of strength, resourcefulness, and endurance as she overcomes myths of inferiority, dependency, and romantic love. Stage 4: The Innermost Cave: Morgana faces a great trial against some aspect of the Triple Goddess and changes physically, emotionally, या spiritually as she accepts and integrates the old wisdom with the new. Stage 5: Return and Reintegration with Society: Morgana uses this new wisdom to help restore the land of Albion. She returns to Camelot to discover a different Arthur who has become और tolerant, nurturing, and sensitive while still being at the core, Arthur. And, the true Shadow is discovered.


Morgana sees a reflection of herself in a mirror and sees it transform into Uther Pendragon and then into a beggar या hag raising सवालों about her claim to the सिंहासन of Camelot. She battles Arthur and Merlin for information and discovers that those she claims to help are being hurt. She discovers other information but it is unsettling provoking even और questions. And she must know the truth. She ventures into a quest with a reluctant Merlin/Arthur.

Along the way, Morgana and Merlin/Arthur face the Ogre of Inferiority, the Dragon of Dependency, and the Knight of Romantic प्यार who would side-track the quest (such as ghosts या memories of Uther, Morgause, and Agravaine). After overcoming these obstacles, Morgana and Merlin/Arthur meet the Triple God/Goddess, who imparts upon them knowledge where they see Uther in a different light. And in gaining this wisdom, they change:

Uther is the good and honorable man they never truly knew. He is the Uther who was not warped द्वारा hatred and fear of magic but the Uther who accepted and loved those who aided his kingdom with their gifts. She sees Uther and his friendship with Gorlois. This benevolent Uther who faced a dilemma which cost Gorlois his life but where there was no true betrayal except द्वारा a False Knight. This benevolent Uther changes because of magic gone wrong in the death of his friend (Gorlois) and the birth of his son (Arthur). This Uther was damaged because he लॉस्ट those he loved most. And Arthur knows that not all who practice magic are evil.

And, from this, Morgana sees another side of Uther. Her hatred of him changes. She comes to understand how and why he acted as he did, even his reluctance to recognize her as his daughter (maybe upon his death Uther planned to give her her own kingdom to rule?). With this knowledge, Morgana feels shame, then guilt for causing the death of her father.

Morgana and Arthur realize that there is a difference between those who practice magic for evil and those for love. They return to Camelot and in time Morgana aids Merlin and Arthur, restoring magic to the land and becoming Morgana the Healer while Arthur becomes tolerant of magic.

Morgana becomes और like she was at the beginning (good-hearted and caring) and adopts Mordred as her son. He will in time betray Arthur and will try to kill Merlin in vengeance for his past encounter in S02E03.

Years later, Mordred reveals to all that he was the true Nemesis, the Enemy and Mastermind who manipulated Morgana. He fights them all but dies. Arthur is mortally wounded. Morgana tries to heal him to no avail. Before he dies, Merlin reveals that he and Arthur both have magic but Arthur must have faith in his belief. Arthur does and is brought back to life. Morgana takes him to Avalon to complete his recovery and return when Britain needs him.

In this way, Morgana the Healer is born and redeemed as part of the Eternal Cycle of Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection, द्वारा helping in the creation of Albion and caring for the once and future king.


द्वारा gaining a new lease on life when Aithusa breathed life back into her, Morgana experienced an apotheosis. Now, she must have a metamorphosis, the nature of which is still unknown but if Morgana changes and reaffirms her goal of restoring the old religion, she can continue her Journey as the Hero(ine) probably becoming a Modern Hero such as the Anti-Hero या maybe a Neo-Romantic Hero with a subtype of the Orphan, the Savior, and the Caregiver/Healer.

Don't blame me for it, blame literature because it's part of the Hero Archetype. While it would be nice for Arthur या Merlin to take her back, they wouldn't have to for her to complete her Journey: Morgana would just need to be involved in returning magic to the land and aiding Arthur and Merlin. She could do this द्वारा making the subtle character change in approach in her relationships from engage, assess, and overcome to connect, respect, and protect. Such a change would be strife ridden but ultimately both she, Arthur and Merlin share the same goal: a land of tolerance called Albion.

Again, don't blame me, it's the Hero Archetype which Merlin the New Adventure seemed to be following with seasons 1 to 4. Though Merlin didn't develop as much as I expected, he could still gain and perfect the skills needed to make him a और potent sorcerer and adviser to Arthur in the first half of Season 5. Which in this case would mean completing the transition of Arthur from a warrior to a statesman. In other words, Arthur would learn to connect, respect, and protect to gain the trust of his people and those of the other kingdoms द्वारा integrating these into the methods of the warrior of engaging, assessing, and overcoming to become the statesman and diplomat who would rule Albion.

If Season 5 is the final season, Stage 5 of the Hero’s Journey, where the protagonist uses his wisdom to restore Fertility/Fecundity to the Land then this would be the integration of Merlin with others with Magic: the time for the return of Magic to Camelot, Merlin's revelation of his magic to Arthur, and the formation and establishment of Albion (a united 5 kingdoms). This in time will lead to a rebirth and rediscovery of the common ties that will unify the old and new religion ushering in a new era of peace, prosperity and tolerance and paving the way for a renaissance of he Arts and Sciences.

If Season 5 is not the final season, then some of these events might be delayed, notably the establishment of a stable Albion. However, I’d prefer that Season 5 be the end of this Hero’s Journey and a new 3 या 5 साल Journey begun दिखा रहा है the growth of Albion and as it strives and struggles to establish itself as a lasting place of peace and prosperity under Arthur, his knights, and Merlin.


Thus far, Morgana has shown no introspection on her part to believe that she will waver in her belief that she should rule because Arthur is unfit. But, only time will tell...
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