What is your प्रिय part in Legally Blonde?

Mine is when they're questioning the छोटा भवन, कबाब boy and he goes like this:

"How long have आप two slept together?"
"Three months."
"Where did आप take Brooke to for dates?" (or something like that!)
"At a restaurant where no one would recognize us."
"And your boyfriend's name is...?"
"Thank you."

loll :D

so what's your fave thing in LB? ;)
 Aphrodite100 posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना
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Legally Blonde जवाब

taytay7132 said:
mine is were ellie woods she went into the salon and she was दिखा रहा है the girls there how to bend and snap it is just really funny the way the woman does it anyway yeah thts my fave part
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posted एक साल  से अधिक पुराना 
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