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Katherine and Stefan were sitting in the living room while they were waiting for Amber to get downstairs. Stefan stared at her and tried to read her, which he couldn’t. Katherine was in dilemma. Stefan was here, sitting with her. Wasn’t that exactly what she had hoped for? The only obstacle were Amber and Elena, though Katherine believed Elena would be much easier to get rid of. Two words: Damon Salvatore. Speaking of which, the witch कहा she let him go. If that was true, where was he? And why hadn’t he told Katherine, when he knew how worried she’d been.
“I’m going to call him” she कहा eventually. Stefan blinked and nodded. He didn’t have to ask who she was talking about. “He…eh… he needs to know”
“Of course” Stefan agreed.
Katherine took her phone and dialed Damon’s number. The three सेकंड्स she had to wait seemed like an eternity. “Damon?” she asked hastily.
“Yeah” Damon confirmed.
“Where are you?” Katherine asked accentuating. “Bonnie कहा आप and her were kind of… over”
“Kind of” Damon said. “She promised to leave me alone”
“Where are you?” Katherine repeated.
“I’m with Elena” Damon answered. “You want me to come over?” he कहा in a tone that sounded like that was the last thing he wanted. And Katherine could hear that. With a quick glance at Stefan she replied: “No, it’s okay. आप can stay right where आप are” She hung up.
“And?” Stefan informed.
“He’s fine” Katherine said.
“Well, where is he?” Stefan asked. Katherine shrugged and tried to avoid the question. If Stefan knew he was with Elena, he would go running straight to her and claim her. “He’s somewhere safe” she कहा avoiding.
“I’m not interested in his well-being, Katherine” Stefan कहा fiercely. That टिप्पणी दे frightened Katherine a bit. She knew Stefan used to be a very bad person in the past, but she had always believed he cared for his brother. “If he has left Bonnie, it means he got what he wanted. I have no idea what that could be, but it sure as hell won’t be something good”
Katherine got up and started pacing around. She turned at Stefan and she looked really frustrated. “How many times do I have to say it?” she exclaimed. “Damon’s the victim here, not Bonnie. She’s crazy, I knew he shouldn’t go to her, but he didn’t listen, of course. But he’s okay now, so can’t आप let it go?”
“Why didn’t आप tell him I was back?” Stefan asked, pretending not to have heard any of Katherine’s speech. “I thought आप कहा he needs to know”
Damn it. He had driven her into a corner and she saw no way to get out.
“I didn’t think about it” was the first excuse she came up with. Stefan breathed through his nose and pursed his lips. “Right” he said. “He’s with Elena, isn’t he?” He looked at Katherine. She didn’t answer, but the expression on her face कहा enough. “Wow, when did आप become an open book?”
He got up and left the boarding-house.
वैन, वान werkloze en alleenstaande moeder tot multimiljonair: het levensverhaal वैन, वान J.K. Rowling, de schrijfster वैन, वान de immens populaire "Harry Potter"-verhalen, spreekt tot de verbeelding. Haar levensloop wordt nu ook op het witte doek vastgelegd, in de tv-film "Strange Magic". De Australische actrice खसखस, अफीम, पोस्ता Montgomery, bekend वैन, वान "Without A Trace", zal de rol वैन, वान Rowling spelen, zo melden Britse media donderdag.

"Strange Magic" zal in maart in Canada worden opgenomen, omdat de filmbazen daar gebouwen hebben aangetroffen die sterke gelijkenissen tonen met het huis waarin Rowling in Edinburgh woonde toen ze de Potterboeken schreef. De mediaschuwe Rowling heeft echter geen toestemming gegeven voor de tv-biografie.
Ze verkocht wereldwijd meer dan 400 miljoen exemplaren uit de Potterreeks. Haar fortuin wordt geschat op 590 miljoen euro. Dat maakt वैन, वान haar een वैन, वान de rijkste vrouwen in Groot-Brittannië. (Belga / LEE)
Waarschuwing: als je Zinloos GeweldiG nog niet gezien hebt, en je wilt verrast worden, is het verstandig dit niet te lezen, want er staan heel wat details in.

Mijn excuses voor eventuele spelling en/of grammaticafouten.


Zinloos GeweldiG. Geef toe, de titel alleen al spreekt aan. Lieven Scheire komt als eerste het podium op en begroet het publiek op een ietwat kinderlijke manier, wat meteen voor een gelaten sfeer zorgt. De oorsprong वैन, वान de naam Neveneffecten is weliswaar op het internet te vinden, maar het klinkt allemaal veel interessanter, als het uit Lievens mond komt. Ook omdat je op...
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added by HaleyDewit
Source: गूगल
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